
38th BCS final result today

Bangladesh Public Service Commission

The final results of the 38th Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) examinations will be published today.

Officials from the Public Service Commission (PSC) told The Daily Star last night that the full commission will sit in a meeting at 3pm today (Tuesday), led by the PSC Chairman Mohammad Sadiq. The final results of the 38th BCS will be approved at that meeting. After that the results will be published on the website of PSC. Although 2,024 officers were to be appointed, the results are to be published by increasing 240 posts.

The process for the 38th BCS started following a Ministry of Public Administration requisition to the PSC on March 5, 2017 for the recruitment of 2,024 cadre officers.

The preliminary exam of the 38th BCS involving over 3.5 lakh candidates was held on December 29, 2017. The preliminary exam results were published on February 18, 2018 with 16,000 passing it.

The written test ended on August 13, 2018 and the results were published on July 1, 2019, which is a new record of delay for written result. The PSC then took viva test of over nine thousand successful candidates till February this year.

Contacted, PSC Chairman Mohammad Sadiq said, "We were preparing to publish the results by the end of March or the first week of April. But the coronavirus has changed everything. We were really helpless. We have started working after the lock down."


38th BCS final result today

Bangladesh Public Service Commission

The final results of the 38th Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) examinations will be published today.

Officials from the Public Service Commission (PSC) told The Daily Star last night that the full commission will sit in a meeting at 3pm today (Tuesday), led by the PSC Chairman Mohammad Sadiq. The final results of the 38th BCS will be approved at that meeting. After that the results will be published on the website of PSC. Although 2,024 officers were to be appointed, the results are to be published by increasing 240 posts.

The process for the 38th BCS started following a Ministry of Public Administration requisition to the PSC on March 5, 2017 for the recruitment of 2,024 cadre officers.

The preliminary exam of the 38th BCS involving over 3.5 lakh candidates was held on December 29, 2017. The preliminary exam results were published on February 18, 2018 with 16,000 passing it.

The written test ended on August 13, 2018 and the results were published on July 1, 2019, which is a new record of delay for written result. The PSC then took viva test of over nine thousand successful candidates till February this year.

Contacted, PSC Chairman Mohammad Sadiq said, "We were preparing to publish the results by the end of March or the first week of April. But the coronavirus has changed everything. We were really helpless. We have started working after the lock down."


ড. ইউনূস। ফাইল ছবি: পিআইডি

হাসিনা পরিবারের সম্পদের ওপর হামলা থেকে বিরত থাকার আহ্বান প্রধান উপদেষ্টার

দেশের সার্বিক আইন-শৃঙ্খলা পরিস্থিতি রক্ষায় দেশের সব নাগরিককে নিজ নিজ জায়গা থেকে দায়িত্ব পালনের আহ্বান জানিয়েছেন প্রধান উপদেষ্টা।

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