The Real Street Fighters
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Food, clothing, shelter, education, and medicine are the basic needs of a human being. But in our country, many children are deprived from these very essential needs. Yes, I am talking about those children who fight everyday just to survive in this world. Most of them do not have grown-ups to support them. In their juvenile life, the most important issue they have to deal with is from where and how the next meal going to come. This situation induces a little child to do anything. Most of them are engaged in tough and risky activities. On the other hand, some of them get involved in a life of crime. Though child labour is banned in Bangladesh by law, the ground realities are totally different. Most employers also encourage child labour because children work for lower wages. The situation would have been entirely different if these children were born in well-to-do families or if they had financially solvent parents to support them. In no way, are these children responsible for their catastrophic lives full of deprivation, jeopardy and risks and devoid of hope and happiness. They are fighting every second to survive on food and shelter. If every wealthy person supports one street child, they could have the proper support and strength to go ahead in their lives. The government should take initiatives to ensure these basic needs.
Md Arman Chowdhury Nayan
University of Dhaka
Seven years in College
I have just completed my honours final examinations under National University of Bangladesh and eagerly waiting for my results. After completing my HSC in 2004, I gained admission in a private college of Dhaka under the National University (NU) in the 2004-05 session. I supposed that studying in NU is better than normal private universities. Although I got some offers from some private universities at that time, I hardly considered admission and instead chose NU because I supposed that the NU certificate will carry more weight. Many of my friends on the other hand chose to study in the private universities where they completed their education in 2008 and are involved in careers for the last two, three years and some have completed their post graduation studies. Now I wish that if I chose a private university instead of NU, then I would also have completed my graduation long before and could have done something for my family. It was six months since we appeared in the exams but until now, we are still waiting for our results and don't know when we shall get it. In future I will not advice anyone to get admitted under NU.
Imtiaz Hossain Jony
Habibulla Bahar College
Kakrail, Dhaka
Violent Student Politics
Student politics of the country has long been polluted. Most of the students who are involved in politics have taken arms and explosives to achieve their means. They ruin the academic atmosphere of the campus and educational institutuions across the country by fighting among themselves and shedding each other’s blood. Of course they are fighting against each other by being influenced by their political godfathers, as well as greed.
Most of our politicians lack morality. As a result, the student politics of our country has also been polluted. Presently only the immoral and the terrorist students are involved in politics on campuses. Good students, on the contrary, seldom get the chance to do politics. They also do not want to involve themselves in politics considering the security of their own lives. There is hardly any congenial atmosphere for the students to continue their studies peacefully and systematically. Ironically, the political parties blame one another for the pathetic killings of meritorious students. It can be regarded as a sign of dirty politics. Violence and killings on the campuses must be stopped either by correcting student politics or by teaching the students morality.
Mohammed Jashim Uddin
Purana Paltan
Harassment of Foreign Journalists
I was dismayed and deeply saddened by reading about an incident that occurred to the foreign cricket journalists in Chittagong. The event is blogged by Adam Mountford on the BBC news website. Shortly after the match between England and Bangladesh, they found themselves surrounded by an unruly mob, who then stole their phone, credit cards and wallet but more disturbingly the crowd inappropriately touched two female reporters of the team. This whole episode left a very bitter impression of Bangladesh and the image of Bangladesh as a friendly nation, to the many people who have now read the article.
I have travelled to Bangladesh many times for holidays and a common theme appears that men in this country have very low morality, complete lack of respect and no understanding of Islam. You cover many news items about constant harassment of women in Bangladesh, and it is very disturbing to see this happen. My question to all readers is why the people of Bangladesh behave this way and what is being done to tackle this despicable crime?
Dr Azmol Hussain
Wales, United Kingdom
Libyan Tragedy
“Please send us back to Bangladesh”, “Return our passports”, the two quotes show the condition of Bangladeshi people in Libya who are awaiting repatriation. The situation may worsen with the declaration of IOM and UNHCR that they will not conduct the operation to rescue people if their appeal for international assistance is not fulfilled. There prevails growing alarm among the people because of foreign invasion. Meanwhile, we are grateful to the Tunisian people who have come forward to help the stranded Bangladeshis. But it is a matter of great concern that though Bangladesh Government has raised her voice to bring back all the panic-stricken people home, they have proven futile to do so. Some workers who returned home ventilated their pent-up grievances at the performance of the Bangladesh embassy in Libya. We hope the concerned authorities will hold them responsible for relieving those people of their sufferings.
Md Shafiuddin Sabuj
University of Dhaka

Photo: AFP
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