Odommo Chattagram
"Indomitable spirit Of Chittagong" was an enjoyable story to read. Through it, I came to know about Chittagong's 1,400-year-old history, culture and tradition. Odommo Chattagram is playing a pioneering role for reviving the history of the port city and is also doing a good job by promoting eminent personalities from Chittagong. Through Odommo Chattagram we can know the different aspects of Chittagong. I thank The Daily Star for taking such a brave step and a special thanks to the Star for publishing such a story.
Prothom Shaha
Verdict of War Crime
There are a number of incidents that describe the manner in which we got our independence in 1971. Although thousands of people sacrificed their lives for the independence of our nation, there was a large section of people who opposed the Liberation War. They didn't want Bangladesh. They supported the West Pakistani administration and the army. Presently, the trial of these war criminals is a burning issue in our country. The government should ensure that they try the war criminals not only for the government's bid to return to power but also to provide justice to the thousands of martyrs who laid down their lives for this country. Recent reports suggest that there has been a lack of evidence presented in the trials and that the trials are not taking place in a proper manner. We request the government to take appropriate steps and do thorough research which will only make the cases against the war criminals a lot stronger.
Ferdous Hossain
University of Chittagong

Biman Blunders
The postscript written in the last issue appropriately describes the appalling situation of Bangladesh Biman. Nowadays people have to think 100 times before booking a flight with Biman airways. I had an awful experience once. I had to travel to Chittagong to participate in a programme scheduled to begin at 8 pm. Since I had work in Dhaka that morning, I decided to be extra-cautious and booked a flight at around 3 pm that day. As expected, the flight was delayed, initially by 1 hour and then by two. I was beginning to get restless. I actually was prepared for the delay and booked a flight keeping in mind the airlines' tradition but still it seemed as though it wasn't going to be enough. At the end of the day, the flight took off at 6:30 pm. I reached Chittagong at 7 and made it to the programme half an hour late. Luckily for me, the programme started late as well and my delay didn't cause a stir. I guess the 'being-late culture' has been inculcated deep within our soul now and will prove to be extremely difficult to eliminate.

Archiving 1971
As the son of a freedom fighter, I can't help but write a few words regarding the Star's issue published on 23 March, 2012. The magazine published a number of important articles regarding our Liberation War. The cover explores the campaign of the Liberation War Museum, established on 1996. The four case studies of the article claim that history is a way of life that includes values, beliefs and norms transmitted within a particular society from generation to generation.
In the second article, the writer tried to sketch the development of Bangladesh from a political/economic point of view. Despite the fact that 41 years have passed by we still haven't seen much development in society. This exploitation leads to harsh working conditions and extremely low wages for the workers class. I believe that people of all sectors should come forward to build a Bangladesh where everyone can enjoy the rights which our ancestors had fought for.
Md Nasir Uddin
University of Rajshahi
Bangladesh Day
Bangladesh has achieved another great recognition, from the New York Senate, two weeks after winning the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone in the Bay of Bengal, overcoming Myanmar's claims. The New York senate on March 26, 2012 declared “Bangladesh Day” recognising the Liberation War of Bangladesh. They will keep observing this day from now on.
Interestingly enough, America went against the independence of Bangladesh in 1971 and supported the West Pakistani government, although some individual Americans supported Bangladesh's quest for independence. The declaration has brightened the image of Bangladesh in the world. I would like to thank the New York senators who have passed the bill unanimously and those Bangladeshi people who have mobilised support in favour of this historic declaration.
Md Musfikur Rahman Jony
Baneswar, Rajshahi
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