Hey People!
Ahh…as I'm typing this out, the first Kalboishakhee storm is
beginning to gather outside, and I can feel the rain in my bones…this
is what life should be about. Speaking of storms, last week, we started
a discussion about the music scene in the Desh, and we had a letter
from Rez, where he talked about the need for more diversification in
modern Bangla music, preferably towards rap and hip-hop. It seemed to
have caused a stir. This week, we have a reply from Electron, who writes:
read about what Rez said last week, and I totally agree with the guy.
My friends and I like rap and sometimes we do it ourselves just for
the fun of it, but the real talents out there are not getting the response
they deserve. I think our music industry should recognise these people,
because most of the times the people they (the industry) sponsor and
stuff has no music sense at all. The singers just get drunk and babble
stuff... that's just really SAD. Anyway, I think these rappers will
get much better response then those 'so-called' singers or band groups,
because its something that comes out of your heart, and has a nice rhythm
and tune to it. It's catchy, and it's Different..."
Whoa…whoa…easy there,
Electron. Maybe we do need a change, maybe bringing rap music into the
scene will be refreshing, but let's not lambaste the other genres out
there. If they were really as bad as you say they were, they wouldn't
be so popular, would they? Moving on, we have a letter from Rudmila,
who says:
Bangladeshi music industry has definitely taken a turn for the better.
Preferring alternative to rap myself, these underground Bangladeshi
rock/metal/alternative bands, no matter how stereotypical they seem,
are what got me listening to Bangla music, and I think what they're
doing is great. Rock /metal /alternative have all evolved from a similar
type/trend of music, while rap, to the "hardcore" Deshi ear,
would be a deviation from the ordinary.
breaking trends and conventions before they get clichéd, is constructive
growth and if rappers can do that, they should be encouraged. Maybe
collaboration with R/M/A artists is a worthwhile stepping stone. It
has been done...rap within the songs...intros being in rap or even entire
songs in the albums. It's essential for any kind of music to look for
means to attract the most attention, so why not use a form of music
that is already so popular to help boost the image of Bangladeshi MC's.
These undiscovered gold mines are exactly what Rez termed them as --
'undiscovered', and they are going nowhere if you (no offence intended)
sit at home whole day round or just rap with a groups of friends. We,
the people, the prospective audience have got to hear this music. We
have got to connect with the lyrics and the music has got to strike
a chord within us, much in the same way that Bangla R/M/A has moulded
itself into our CD decks.
hear so many people saying how bored they are with the same old same
old, but very few of them ever do anything about it. There has got to
be a revolution on some scale...a change...and music might just be one
of the ways to see that happening...a different kind of music, that
Hey, as I said before,
I know absolutely zilch about the current status of the local music
scene, but I do know this much: even a decade ago, it wasn't very common
to see underground concerts that teenagers could attend. Because a few
young people took matters into their hands and started organising bands
and concerts, all of us now have something to look forward to, places
to go. So much good has come of it…local talent has come to the limelight,
and many worthy causes have been supported, through the frequent charity
concerts. Nothing's impossible if we just put our minds to it…why just
limit ourselves to rap music? Why not trance or techno…or, I don't know…
disco? I really think Rudmila has a point. Well, readers, if you have
anything to add to that, please write in and share your views with us.
I have a feeling this could get very interesting…
Send your polls,
opinions, and queries to [email protected]
By: The Girl Next Door
Can you handle PRESSURE?
You have 60 seconds
to win at this game! Below there are 10 words and you are to combine
each word with another word starting with the same two letters. The
right words should create a familiar compound word or two-word phrase.
An example is given below:
Example: Wonder woman
1. Basket ____________
2. Sharp ____________
3. Secret ____________
4. Cute ____________
5. Common __________
6. French ___________
7. Twenty __________
8. Lost _____________
9. Special ___________
10. Access ___________
The Answers:
How do you rate?
8 10: You can handle pressure
6 8: Decent
Below 6: Think about suing your school.
For Help On
April 3, The Rising Stars received a letter from Profe
sor M. Zahidul Haque, Director of the Outreach Program at the Sher-e-Bangla
Agricultural University. In his letter, he says:
Md. Ali Azgar, a meritorious student of the Part-11, B-Sc.Ag. (Hons)
course of Shere-e-Bangla Agricultural University has been suffering
from kidney ailments for the last seven years. Now both of his kidneys
have been damaged. He needs immediate renal transplantation. Unfortunately,
Azgar is not very well-off financially. His father is not alive, and
his family has already spent whatever wealth they had on his treatment.
So they do not have the means to bear any further expense. Azgar wants
to live, though. He needs nearly Tk 10 lakh for the surgery. His life
now depends on the kindness of people who can afford to make a difference.
If you want to help save him, please send your contributions to:
Md. Ali Azgar
Account No. 9279
Janata Bank
Shyamoli Branch
cat that hitch hiked on 062 Biman flight
Cat, walking
and swaying in a rhythmic motion
Where she was going the authority had no notion.
No passport had she nor a ticket did she possess,
Fooled all and boarded the craft like an empress.
Confidently, to the cockpit she took her place.
The pilot? The co-pilot? Or who was she to replace?
The pilot felt challenged and openly threw his glove,
Unsheathing her claws, the cat conveyed she was no cooing dove.
Beefing up his muscles he got ready for a fight
Baring her claws, she set out to defend her right.
In the following short scuffle, she inflicted him with bloody injury.
To salvage the captain's honour, stewards chased her in fury.
Her presence was not a welcome one,
Frightened by the stewards she broke into a run.
She looked out of the window and what she saw
Stunned her with frightful awe
Shaking like a leaf
It was beyond her belief
She was up in the sky
Where clouds sail by.
Poor cat felt she was nearing her doom
Panicked she landed in the engine room
Suddenly her ears picked up a friendly vibration.
Purring softly she coiled into a short hibernation.
The aircraft landed at its destination,
Where she was, was beyond her imagination,
She sped through the milling crowd in fear.
'Ground beneath my feet! I am alive it is clear.'
I am the pioneer cat to travel by air
And that too without any fare!
Mrs Shahriar Quader
It Out! Hey People!
Hey people,
Thank you all for sending in more messages and making it possible for
us to continue this column. This week we have more birthday greetings
and lost friendships being rekindled. Hope it works people! Well, keep
mailing [email protected] and get your messages across to your
friend(s) or enemy (ies). Keep reading and enjoy the column.
Hi dost! Thank you for being such a good and caring friend...YOU ARE
Dearest Popernicus,
The only way we can rescue our dreams is by being generous with ourselves."
So please take good care of yourself, now and always.
Good Bye Dear Friend,
Sailor's Voice
"Hi Lami,
What's going on? Exam?
This is me Murad, and it is for sure that I am losing touch with all
my friends and classmates. After our A levels Exam in June 2003 we friends
have never been together except for small parties and gatherings. So
I 'shout out ' ...Hi to everybody who is listed below
Lenin, Atisha, Fayek, Sakib, Farhana, Mahmudur, Sania/Shweta, Nusrat,
Yakut, and Labiba. Apologies for missing out any name. Please write
to me at [email protected].
Kazi Hassan Murad.
Darling Papa, AuntieÊand Twinkle.
I loveÊyou very much and I want to tellÊyou that
I careÊfor youÊa lot. I hope our dreams come trueÊand
we can be happy for the rest of our lives.
and I want to tellÊyou that I careÊfor youÊa lot.
I hope our dreams come trueÊand we can be happy for the rest of
our lives.
Loving Geraldine
Dearest Sana,
Many, many happy returns of the day. Happy Birthday! You are
my best friend and you always will be. I'll always be there for you
anyhow. Thanks for everything. Have fun.
Your best friend,
Dear Sally,
I just want to say Happy Birthday, and I love you very, very
From your sister,
Dearest Nusyba,
This must be a surprise. I know u likes surprises. Well happy Birthday!
(06/04/04). Many many happy returns of the day. No need to thank me.
Have fun. Meet with you at school.
Bye and take care.
Your Friend,
I am looking for a friend of mine. His full name is Hasin Haider.
His nick name is Riku. His father worked at BWDB at Rangpur at 1995-1997.
If you get him then request him to contact me at [email protected]
Dear Ammu!
Happy Birthday to you! You make our world beautiful and our life worth
Badhon, Asif, Ekram.
Noora, Tahmina, Lamea, Ridwana, Sadia, Iffat. You guys are really lucky
that you have a friend like me. ;-)
Hi guys,
I am looking for my old friends from A.G.Church. They are...Pinaki,
Roy, Partho, Protim, Roy, Phoebe, Lorraine, Sarkar, Marriane, Roy, all
from class III in 1998. And from Mastermind.....Dipanwita Chakraborty,
Veena Mahmud, Tasnia, Sameer Altaf, Shahir Ahmed, Saqueb Ahmed ....allÊfrom
class V in 2000. IfÊyou are one of them...then you are requested
to e-mailÊ[email protected].
Onindita Purba
N.B. Guys sorry if the spelling of your name is wrong.