Habituation is an innate mechanism to help us humans survive in the world. Like the way we soon get accustomed to that annoying, ceaseless buzzing of electric drilling machines gnawing tirelessly away at dirt and rock in the next door building. Or the almost effortless attempts we make to curb any hint of guilt when we encounter a ragged, handicapped old man begging on the busy streets as we tell him bitterly to go away, and later murmur to ourselves "Why can't they work?" Even the frequent times we happen to notice a five or six-year-old boy, barely clothed and barefoot, rummaging through the mountain high piles of garbage dumped on the roadside and carrying a large bag bigger than his tiny, frail body and no doubt much heavier-- we indifferently turn our heads away and once again pretend like all is as it should be. But isn't that true? What more can be expected from people who have seen so much pain, poverty and corruption than to be entirely habituated to it all? And thus we continue to remain ignorant of all the suffering we see and feel around us, numb to everything except our own selfish needs. Yes. All is as it should be.
Sarah Iqbal
Mohammadpur, Dhaka
Fake Notes from ATM booths
The ATM (Automated Teller Machine) is a great invention of modern times. As we know most of the banks of our country are doing on-line business. For the customer's ease and comfort, the banks with on-line system are providing debit and credit cards to the customers. With the help of these cards customers can easily withdraw money from ATM booths at any time. ATM booths are playing a vital role in our modern e-banking system. ATM booths provide 24 hours service throughout the week. Recently, a widespread allegation has been made by customers that they are getting fake notes at the ATM booths. If someone gets fake notes at an ATM, he/she cannot produce any evidence that this has happened. Bank management should be more cautious regarding this issue. They should ensure that the customers are not receiving any fake notes from ATMs. Otherwise, customers will reject this popular ATM service forever.
Mohammed Jashim Uddin
Good Movies
A number of films, to name a few - 'Guerrilla', 'Amar Bondhu Rashed', 'Moner Manush' and 'Meherjaan', released in recent times have captured the attention of audience across Bangladesh. Interestingly, most of these movies have been produced and directed by individuals who have not necessarily worked in the commercial full-length film industry beforehand. As a result these movies have been free from the Dhallywood sterotypes and lured the educated class back into the movie theatres. Our government should provide incentive in the form of funds and facilities to directors who strive to bring a change to our film industry. Also thanks to the Star for publishing contemplating reviews on the movies, encouraging more viewers to go to the movie-theatres. In future we hope that the Star will publish more reviews of Bangladeshi films, dramas and plays on a regular basis.
Sonia Ali
Agrabad, Chittagong
Justice Served!
Whenever we open the newspaper we are showered with the news of the weak law enforcement and judicial system of our country. However, the news of bringing the nine rapists of Serafina Mardi to book by filing fresh charges against them and Dhaka court's judgement of sending the two murderers of Gulshan couple murder case to the gallows have ignited some hope and a flicker of faith on our legal system. We look forward to the day when the perpetrators of these heinous crimes will actually receive their due sentences.
Roopkotha Ahmed
Istanbul, Turkey
The Urban Monsters
Photo: Zahedul I Khan |
After reading the cover story of the last issue, 'Threatened by the Urban Monster', I became nostalgic about my childhood and the beautiful Keraniganj. When my children were really young, I used to take them to Keraniganj to show them the serenity and the tranquil beauty of Bangladeshi villages. Reading the article was really saddening because, it's not just Keraniganj that has been compromised to the wrath of the urban monsters, most such places around Dhaka are being victimised in a similar manner. Even though the government pledged to save our farming lands, these areas are being captured by real estate businessmen. What is the point of making an eco-city by destroying the area's natural ecosystem? Are we too shortsighted to see the dangers of destroying our fertile farmlands, country sides and shallow forest areas? It would be really great if The Star publishes more stories on such beautiful places being destroyed by the greed of some imprudent people.
Jayonto Paul
Rayerbajar, Dhaka
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Letters to the Editor, Star Diary and Write to Mita, with the writer's name and address, should be within 200 words. All articles should be within 1,200 words. A cover letter is not necessary, but every write-up should include the writer's name, phone number and email address (if any). While The Star welcomes unsolicited articles and photographs, it cannot accept the responsibility of their loss or damage. The Star does not return unsolicited articles and photos. Response time for unsolicited write-ups ranges from three weeks to two months. All articles submitted are subject to editing for reasons of space and clarity.
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