Driving school in each district
A large number of people in this country are poor. The democratically elected government has a special responsibility to improve their economic conditions. Different measures can be taken to raise their level of income. One such measure can be the setting up of driving schools in every district town and city and then running those schools properly. Bangladesh has 64 district towns where 64 driving schools can be established.
Such schools can turn out a few thousand trained drivers from different regions of the country every year. Properly trained, skilled drivers will ensure safer transport movement and help reduce the number of fatal accidents now taking place on the country's roads and highways everyday. A large number of such skilled and trained drivers will also get the opportunity of going abroad with jobs and earn valuable foreign exchange for our economy. They will then be able to raise the standards of living of their families.
Huge amounts of money will not be required to set up and operate driving schools. A driving school can be provided with two mini-buses, two trucks and two double-cabin pick-up vans initially. The trainees will eventually become part of our skilled or semi-skilled manpower. Such manpower is an asset for the country. A joint venture involving Traffic Police, Bangladesh Road Transport Authority, Technical Education Board and Bureau of Manpower, can be useful to set up and run, at least, one driving school in each district town in Bangladesh. The curricula of driving should include driving a vehicle, traffic rules and regulations, preliminary knowledge on automobile techniques, social consequences of accident etc.
It is our estimate that an amount of Taka two billion (Tk 200 crore) may be required to establish and operate 64 driving schools equipped with proper infrastructural facilities and vehicles. The amount is not too big considering the number of annual fatal accidents in the country that can be reduced. Besides, the amount of investment by the government for establishing and operating such driving schools can be fully recovered within a very short span of time through remittances sent home by a good number of such trained drivers who will get employment opportunities in foreign countries.
Md. Ashraf Hossain
Ramna, Dhaka
Sanity must be restored
Hena Akther |
It requires two teams and a referee to conduct a game. Our society can be compared to a playfield where the low income groups and the high income groups represent two teams and the administration of the country acts as a referee. But the exception is that the low income group never tastes victory as the administration is partial. This analogy can be applied to the death of Hena Akther who died on January 31, 2011; a week after she was raped and flogged in public as punishment meted out by a village arbitration in Shariatpur district. After her death, the alleged rapist was favoured by the local administration and political leaders. It has become a common picture in our society. Hena's death has left a blot on our collective conscience. Moreover, we appreciate the High Court's order that asked the government to file criminal case against the four doctors who made false autopsy report of Hena's death to favour the alleged seducer. We also request the authorities concerned to take action on the members of that village arbitration who are the actual instigators of her death.
Md Safiuddin Sabuj
University of Dhaka
Water contaminated!
Japan is one of the most peaceful and developed countries in the world. But, the appalling and devastating tsunami and earthquake have recently struck the Japanese with serious panic and agony. Of late, thousands of people have died in the combined assault of tsunami and earthquake. The condition worsened when the nuclear reactors exploded. Though the government of Japan has been relentlessly trying to take control over the situation but it demands more action. The people of Japan are now suffering from the danger of radiation. Even drinking water has been contaminated. Many of the countries have extended their hands in helping Japan. Our government should also come forward in helping Japan.
Khondoker Rezwan Tanvir
SUST, Sylhet

Age limit at entry
level jobs
In British-India the maximum age limit was fixed for entry level of a government job. At the beginning 18 years was the maximum limit. During Pakistan time this limit was changed on several occasions. After the independence of Bangladesh the limit was changed yet again. The present maximum age limit is 30 years at entry level for all citizens except freedom fighters. There is no scientific rationale behind the existing maximum age limit. We can create some arguments in favour of this but those are of course not beyond controversy.
If the authority fixes the maximum age limit at the entry level of a government job at 40 years, a government official will be able to serve for 17 years as current retirement age is 57. It is expected that the retirement age will be re-fixed at 60 years soon. The government has re-fixed the age limit at 60 years for workers recently who are under the purview of Labour Law 2006. The age of retirement for the worker of a public enterprise has also been enhanced to 60 years by the present government. When the retirement age for government employee will be fixed at 60 years they will be able to serve for 20 years at usual course.
The majority of people in Bangladesh are Muslim. We can recall that our prophet (Peace be upon Him) got Nabuat at the age of 40. Forty is a mature age for human being. At this stage significant responsibility can be assigned to a person if he or she is suitable otherwise.
In Bangladesh a lot of people cannot get a government job as frequent and regular recruitment is not done by the government. Moreover, potential candidates cross the age limit of 30 for different reasons like, session jam, joining in non government job at first chance etc. There are people who after serving non-government sector or foreign countries desire to get government jobs in Bangladesh. They cannot apply after age 30 as they are not eligible as per current age limit criteria. As a result the government cannot get fresh blood, idea and experienced manpower in government service, which is essential for revitalisation of traditional performance of civil servants.
Md Ashraf Hossain
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