Laws For everyday life
When you can lodge a GD?
Mrs. Rahima lives alone with her only son-- Abdullah. Abdullah works in a garments factory. Once Abdullah was working in the garments he found that some of his colleagues are involved with stealing clothes from their garments. After noticing that Abdullah made complaint against them and as a result of this, they lost there job within a week. Abdullah was very simple boy, lives with his mother in a slam of Dhaka, earned only taka 3000 per month. Suddenly, one day when he was coming from his office there were no electricity in the road, and he found those people who were rusticated from the job. They threatened him very seriously saying that he had not done a good job. In this way Abdullah was threatened by them five times within two months. Later, being worried Rahima begum discussed this with the owner of the house and he suggested her for general dairy, which may help her for future security. Later, Rahima does so detailing the incident in the nearest police station.
The provision of general diary (GD) can be found in the Police Act 1861, section 44, 45 of the said Act deal with the diary which police are supposed to keep. According to the said Act, the duty officer of the police station will record the GD in a record book and in a specific format. It is such a form as shall from time to time as be prescribed by the Government. As the complaints and charges preferred the name of the person arrested, the names of the complainants, the offences they are threatened with, and the name of the witness who will testify.
GD is lodged in a register named “General Police Diary”. It is a 200 page register and duty officer is liable for any ambiguity/complain against lodging GD. Any entry in this GD register can be used as an exhibit in the Court.
The magistrate of the district shall be at liberty to call for and inspect such dairy. Government may direct the submission of which returns by the inspector general and other police officers as to such Government shall seem proper and may prescribe the form in which such return shall be made.
A GD can be filed for almost every purpose, albeit it has not any serious effect but it is preventing incident indirectly. Like, if someone is missing, something valuable is missing, if there is a threat etc. Interestingly, news/information about the daily police officials, storage arms and ammunitions in a police station, duties of the police officials, news about the locality; like if there is a political meeting that also can be recorded as GD. So it can be said that GD register portrays every details about a police station.
--Law Desk.