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“All Citizens are Equal before Law and are Entitled to Equal Protection of Law”-Article 27 of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Issue No: 181
March 13, 2005

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Women's Day Special

Law event

Reaffirming Women's Right To Proper Education

Seminar on "Role of women in development of a country"

Aliya Shahnoor Ameen

A civilization could never be thought of without the active participation of women. But unfortunately their contribution is neither properly recognized nor widely appreciated. Let women's horizon be enlighten by the light of education-that were the main focus of the discussants of the seminar held on March 8, 2005 on the occasion of International women's day in the auditorium of Southeast University.

A daylong seminar was organised by the Law & Justice department of the Southeast University to mark the International women's day. Prominent educationalist Dr. M. Shamsher Ali, Vice-Chancellor of the university was the chief guest of the seminar while Dr. Tarek M. R. Chowdhury, Dean of school of arts and social science chaired the sessions. While addressing as chief guest Dr. Shamsher Ali said that there is no alternative to education for women. Only education can help them upholding their self-consciousness and can make them confident, he further added. He also emphasised that both men and women enjoy equal rights and privileges in the eye of Islam. Professor Dr. Mahbubul Islam read the keynote paper and explained different dimensions of women's rights movement. At the very beginning of the seminar Lecturer Shaila Hossain gave a brief introduction of women's movement that represents decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development. Lecturer Tofazzal Haque shed some light on international documents and as well as our constitution. Sharmin Jahan Tania, lecturer of law elaborated different rights and responsibilities of state parties that enumerated in the CEDAW documents. Afroza Bilkis also spoke about women's role in socio-economic development of a country. Student Sharan Chandra Talukdar and physically challenged Padma, student of LL.M also shared their views about women's rights. Co-ordinator of law & justice department Mr. Asaduzzaman moderated the seminar. Proffessor Tareq concluded the seminar by urging that promoting woman's equal rights is not only women's responsibility, so let us reaffirm ourselves to making it a reality.

The author is lecturer, Law & Justice Department, Southeast University, Bangladesh.

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