of view
dogs, superheroes and flirts!
Okay, so it's pink in colour_
a bit weird for a dog. So what? How many other dogs can save their owners
every time they are about to be transformed into alien chickens? Or
consult a highly intelligent computer for advice on how to battle supernatural
evil forces? Courage is undoubtedly one heck of an inappropriately named,
irresistibly adorable and outrageously hilarious dog. He lives with
his owners, Muriel and Eustace in the town of Nowhere. This old couple
represents two completely different poles: Muriel is chubby, soft-spoken,
kind and loves Courage while her husband is a thin, cranky farmer who
loathes their pet and loves referring to him as the 'Stupid Dog'. Created
by John R. Dilworth, Courage the Cowardly Dog, like Johnny Bravo and
The Powerpuff Girls, started on the 'What a Cartoon Show' (now more
familiar as The Cartoon Cartoon Show). The most appealing aspect of
this cartoon is the fact that it's simply… weird. Instead of using traditional
villains, the ones starring this cartoon happen to be, well…
just a little freakier than usual. Whether, it is LeQuack (a duck/ bank
robber with a French accent), aliens, zombies, psychotic barbers or
evil eggplants_ with amazing animation and background music that can
actually spook you out (I'm not kidding!), this cartoon outdoes any
other canine entertainers. A combination of comedy and horror, this
cartoon is a portrayal of an unappreciated hero of a dog who lives in
a perpetual state of anxiety but who confronts his fears to rescue his
beloved owner, Muriel and the not-so-beloved Eustace. Personally, my
favourite cartoon of all times, Courage's loyalty to his owners and
the battles between his natural cowardice and much-needed bravery endear
him to all his viewers.
Sugar, spice, everything
nice and some accidentally poured Chemical X_ the formula for the perfect
little girls. Interestingly, the creator, Craig McCracken conceived
this popular cartoon, not in any lab, but in his class while working
on it as a project in The California Arts Institution in 1992. Originally
titled as The Whoop-Ass Girls (thank God, that didn't last…
could any other name defile the cutest superheroes as badly?), it got
aired on Cartoon Network in 1998. Red-haired Blossom is the leader of
the trio, has ice breath as special powers and is probably the most
balanced and practical amongst them all. Bubbles, clad in baby-blue
is the most adorable one. Full of 'joy and laughter', she's into drawing
flowers, colouring and ponies but is equally good at teaching the bad
guys a lesson. Buttercup is the toughest sister, with a no-nonsense
attitude, wearing a frown meant to intimidate the criminals. Their guardian,
Professor Utonium might be cool about these little girls fighting crimes
for Townsville but they're not spared from fixed bedtimes and attending
Pokey Oaks kintergarden under their teacher, Miss Keane. Then there's
the, err… slow mayor who's known as err… just the Mayor and his efficient
secretary, Miss Sara Bellum, a beauty whose face is mysteriously never
revealed. The city of Townsville has its share of criminals, starting
from Fuzzy Lumpkins, wannabe PPG and daddy's spoiled little rich girl,
Princess Morbucks, The Rowdyruff Boys, the evil-sounding Him and of
course, my favourite, the evil genius monkey, Mojo Jojo.
'The Powerpuff Girls'
has become almost everybody's favourite over the last few years; testified
by the gaining popularity of its accessories in the market (which, sigh,
reminds me of this Powerpuff Girls watched that I owned once upon a
time and which I never saw again after… oh well, that's a long story…).
These fun, delightful super-girls can surely save your day no matter
how disastrous it's been with childishly innocent and interesting storylines,
that never get old.
Johnny Bravo may be narcissistic
and possess an ego as big as a certain somebody's (whose name I shall
not mention) head_ yet, it is impossible to not like this guy. Something
about his big hair and big muscles is reminiscent of Elvis Presley;
except he's devoted not to music, but to the female species. Sure, his
approach to them is probably not the wisest one out there but hey, he's
a good guy. He believes himself to be God's gift to women and gives
the word 'self infatuated' a whole new meaning. Unfortunately for him,
women seem to be repelled by his cheesy pickup lines and juvenile antics.
With an impenetrable confidence in his good looks and karate chops,
which do nothing to get him out of sticky situations, he's not someone
who'll take no for an answer. Rejection leaves him unfazed; maybe because
such a word doesn't exist in his vocabulary. He dotes on his mother
Mama Bravo and shows patience with the character of Little Suzy, the
only member of the opposite sex who seems to have a crush on him. The
biggest flirt among cartoons, Johnny Bravo's dimwitted actions not only
leave you shockingly amused but also make you realise that somebody
out there has worse luck with romance that you do. Even if it happens
to be just a cartoon.
Maliha Bassam
that just get on your nerves
Cartoons are meant
to make people laugh and relax. After a hard day's work, anyone and
everyone would rather sit down and laugh at a few cartoons, rather than
watch BBC. Most cartoons live up to that expectation, and are simply
too hilarious, except for an inexcusable few. These few are so annoying
that you would shoot them if you could. It's fantastic when something
horrible happens to them but most of the time you have to see them more
often than you would like to. Here's our list of the top five Toons
that Get on Your Nerves!
Daffy Duck from the Looney Tunes
The very personification of the word 'moron', Daffy reveals a higher
and higher level of idiocy, making the otherwise much loved Looney Tunes
Unbearable. Hanna-Barbara made a real effort in making this drooling
duck as annoying as annoying can be and that lands Daffy fifth in our
Ed from Ed, Edd and Eddy
Stupidity of unbelievable heights is revealed when this member of the
trio of Ed, Edd & Eddy is on the spot! The entire show itself is
bad enough with its concept and story line and Edd successfully makes
it downright irritating. His corny lines and annoying looks make him
the fourth most annoying toon.
Dee Dee from Dexter's Laboratory
Probably the dumbest person to ever grace the airways of Cartoon Network
this sunshine girl is perfect material to prick on your delicate nerves.
Episodes without her, as a rule, are more enjoyable. Does being popular
and close to Nature also mean being dumb? Not to mention her irritating
Scrappy Doo from Scooby Doo
Exactly how did a dog like Scooby end up with a nephew like Scrappy?
He's not cute, fun or adorable and he is totally devoid of humour. A
total misfit, his character is of no known use in the otherwise hilarious
show probably the reason why we didn't see him in later seasons. His
absence in both the Scooby movies proves this is one pup without Puppy
And the #1 spot goes to…
Olive Oyle from the Popeye Show
Is it just us or does no one else in the world think that Olive is one
girl not worth fighting over? She looks like a pole in a hat and has
the voice of a strangled cat. Olive makes us wonder whether there is
anything grayish in her head. This is one girl who really needs that
dose of spinach. Besides, the whole spinach thing didn't work because
she probably scared kids away making them think that they too would
end up with bad tastes like Popeye if they ate too much of that stuff.
Watch her for too long and we guarantee you'll end up with a headache.
Hitch-Hiker and Crucified