SUCCESS through change in career"
MAny people have
changed their careers and been rewarded with success in excess. Making
the right decisions at the right time is certainly one of the major
factors affecting a person's career.
Some of the major
headliners are born successful, and remain the same; their fame in
name lives ever after. Unfortunately, it is true that some of the
names of these so-called successful men/women get to our mind and
soul, forcefully, more than wilfully. Take for example, KALA JAHANGIR,
there is no beauty in his name, nor in his abstract profession, yet
he is more popular than our very own president.
It is that a very
respected teacher of some government institution, operating in complete
honesty can work their heart and soul out, only to earn RESPECT of
the society. It is evident that respect won't earn them any fancy
houses or whirlwind wheels. In short, respect can't afford standard
of living, but standard of living can produce respect.
Fame is the name
of the game.
A career change, perhaps can change a life. It can let people LIVE
ALIVE, let that be in a way of legal elegance or be that financially
Some of the symptoms
and 'what to do-s' during a career pause are listed below:
If your job is as boring as watching BTV world, and your pay is as
high as that of a hawker, it is time that you change your profession,
for your own good.
FEVER- It is a term used to describe how tired and depressed you get
just thinking that you have to be on time at the office on Saturday
morning. Moreover, it is the day when your parents stay home, and
spend some family time with you. We understand, that it can be nerve
numbing at times. (This is the universal solute for which, scientists
haven't yet come up with any solution)
You think that you're forced to work overtime, without an over time
payment. Since your corporation believes in Bangladesh standard 4
followingequation;GMT+600HRS=BST+3HRS=BAT (Bangladesh ACTUAL Time).
The gist of the equation is, if your boss wants you to stay 3 hours
more after office time, you can definitely make it, by going to the
office 3 hours late. That is, 9:00(BST)= 12:00 (BAT) and 5:00(BST)=
8:00(BAT) Well, if he asks you, you can tell him about the BST.
STAGNATION- When you are sure that there is no way you can make more
money staying at this profession, then definitely a career change
is necessary. One option would be coaching at a teaching centre of
O' & A' levels and university admissions; this option boosts your
real income, since the govEARNment can't charge tax on your income.
Some of the (in)famous
people did lead us with examples, courtesy, to my consultation.
A list of my success
if provided in the following:
SCHICKDAR : He was a successful man, but unfortunately passed away,
but that's everyone's destiny. A successful man is one who can earn
more than his wife can spend; but Mr. E. Schickdar has earned so much,
even his three wives can't spend it all. Successful man redefined.
He was a coolie at a rail-station before he contacted our consultation
SEAGOR: Once upon a time, he was a tea-stall pichhi, and now he has
properties across the globe. He has a house in Long Island, NY, true!
So what if he is a criminal? (there is CREAM IN ALL.) What is the
secret of his excess success? Our consultation firm.
We have a huge
list to compile the entire year, but we value your time. Not everyone
becomes an emblem of success, financially; some become a symbol of
emotion and devotion.
…is a small poem by one of our hurt in the heart client.