An Endless Cartoon Strip
Let me firstly state that I am an avid reader of the Star and really appreciate the variety and breadth of well researched articles published by the magazine. While I have no expertise to contribute towards the choice and direction of feature articles, I would like to give my two pennies worth of thought towards the award-winning comic strip that graces the last couple of pages in the otherwise fantastic magazine. It seems like the comic heroes in the strip attain new powers every week; unfortunately I don't think this is plausible nor is this helping the hero in achieving his ultimate ambition of finding a wife. He needs to defeat the aliens soon or else he will be too old to find an attractive heroine. That and spending too much time with extraterrestrials is not good for his health. They will zap him of his life and his mother will be highly disappointed not to have grandchildren. I implore the magazine to give the cartoon hero his happily ever after in time for the Eid holiday.
Jobbor Ali,
Tuntungonj, D-town
Olympic Glory
I must say I am extremely proud of the Bangladeshi athletes who participated in the London Games this year. We sent in a contingent of more than 15 people, five of whom participated in the games, and none of them disappeared! Yes there were rumours that the British volunteers were asked to keep a special eye on the Bangladeshi contingent, but reports suggest that all the athletes were actually willing to come back home! Considering the fact that five boxers from Cameroon escaped the Games this year, our record is something to be proud of. I admit, there's a little matter of not having won any medals till date, but hey, lets enjoy one fruit at a time. Maybe the growing nationalism will encourage our athletes to bring in a few medals in the near future.
M Wali Mollah
BOA (Bongoland Oloshata Association), Downtown Paltan
Smita's Potential
I am a big fan of the column 'write to Smita' and thoroughly enjoy the peak it gives me into strangers' lives. From extra-marital affairs and runaway marriages to criminal problems and people looking for a match, Smita seems to have an answer for everything. I, therefore, request the Star to realise her potential and perhaps dedicate more than just one page to her column. I would even be willing to join Smita in a business arrangement as I believe there is scope to establish a matchmaking service and counseling forum for these unfortunate people in need. After all, the problems in this city are endless. She might as well be hired by the Raid and Butcher Battalion (RABB) or any other government agency and help them solve their problems! Hail Smita!
Meet Khan
Kazipara, Premland

Picture Imperfect
I don't mean to criticise the Star, but I really feel that for a magazine, it has too many serious words on each page. I mean, let's be frank, who wants to spend their Friday mornings reading depressing stories about women's rights violations or the environmental impact of coal mining? I have enough sad things to deal with in my own life! Instead, the Star should really highlight the latest trends in fashion and lifestyle. It should have glossy pages and colourful pictures. I really don't understand why none of the models in the Star are glamorous or good-looking. They always look too sad or serious, and they never wear nice dresses. In fact, I just saw a picture of a woman wearing a short kamiz – what a fashion faux pas!
I have noticed that European magazines print the name of the designer or shop and prices of the clothing featured. I believe your readership would treble should you adopt this western practice of advertising.
Hena Hilton
Beautification and Whitening Parlour, Milan
Literary Issue
Last week's magazine was a refreshing look at modern literature and I commend my fellow artistes and writers for their imagination and delivery of thoughts. However, I have a bone to pick with the editors of the magazine who chose not to approach me for a similar contribution. As an established and accomplished author, playwright, poet, essayist, critic, actor and director, my knowledge and ability in the arts is unprecedented. I have regularly had multiple pieces published in the Shunil Dickens Journal that I have been honoured to establish and edit, to much success. Mrs Dickens (of no relation) has been an avid reader since my first publication at the age of seven. She would be willing to sign an affidavit saying how worthy my work is of publication. Now that there is no possible way for you not to know of my excellence, I look forward to being approached for next issue.
Dr Shunil Dickens PhD
from University of Tetulia
Mansfield Polli, Neu Yark

The opinions expressed in these letters do not necessarily represent the views held by the Star. |
Submission Guideline:
Letters to the Editor, Star Diary and Write to Mita, with the writer's name and address, should be within 200 words. All articles should be within 1,200 words. A cover letter is not necessary, but every write-up should include the writer's name, phone number and email address (if any). While The Star welcomes unsolicited articles and photographs, it cannot accept the responsibility of their loss or damage. The Star does not return unsolicited articles and photos. Response time for unsolicited write-ups ranges from three weeks to two months. All articles submitted are subject to editing for reasons of space and clarity.
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