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Volume 11 |Issue 24| June 15, 2012 | |
Chintito Not Every Awami League Critic is a Razakar CHINTITO It is true we are not good, in fact absolutely rubbish, at taking criticism, be that at any level, from private individuals to public icons. And accepting unfavourable, yet diagnostic, comments (that of even a known and recognised well-wisher) would mean to many the end of the world (read vain ijjat). So, let the earth continue to rotate, not because it will anyways but because there is a headstrong belief in each of us that “I can do NO wrong, ever!” The reason/s for this intolerance to honest denunciation by another person, even a friend, could be any (or a combination) from among the burden of unproven legacy, plain ignorance, or poor physiology, which is a special nerve on our neck (in some cases on both sides) that sends signals to our brain reconfirming at every confrontation that “I can do NO wrong, ever!” We as individuals have this notion that our ancestors were angels directly alighting from heaven, and so “how I could be wrong”? We are ignorant about life having its bad and good sides, and yes sometimes wilfully or not, we may indulge in something that others can criticise. That is also for which we seek continuous forgiveness from Allah swt. About the nerve thing I have no scientific evidence, although I know it is one hundred percent genuine from timeless demonstration. The degree of this national illness varies from mild, to light, to heavy, to severe, depending on the self-presumed position of the person in society as well as on the level of accusation, but above all on the person's culpability of the guilt. In Bangla there is an apt adage: Thief's mind, police-police. Although the pathetic pathological condition has been prevalent for centuries, that of not taking criticism in good humour and of not carrying a chest hard enough to accept responsibility, a perilous-to-the-nation pattern has developed over the past decade or so. Some blameworthy people (not themselves Muktijoddha) take the liberty of denouncing their critic/s as “razakars”, especially when Awami League is in government. This is simply not on, because it is not the truth. Like any political government, Awami League will have nominated persons to important positions to run the country. Unfortunately, and as a gross betrayal to the nominating authority and party, some of them indulge in corrupt practices, such as in selecting employees, tender processes, land grabbing, and slapping right and left, as newspaper reports shall substantiate. Now, instead of placing sensible argument/s against the allegations to prove their innocence or non-involvement in the crime, the accused launches his “defence” with an “attack”, which is not a bad strategy in itself, except that it comprises of calling their accusers “razakars” and “anti-liberation elements”. For instance: Even though it is impossible for the entire teaching community of a university and members of its legitimate elected association to be anything but loyal Bangladeshi citizens, a vice-chancellor, under accusation of malpractices, will launch a tirade, even if via his lackeys, which sadly is even carried by some in the media, that those making the accusations (and seeking his resignation) are merely “razakars”, involved with “Hizbut Tahrir” and so on. Instead, is it not practical and academic wisdom, VC shaheb, to bring to the fore documents in your hand disproving the allegations? And thereafter take measures to even penalise the “liars”? For example: It is simply not possible that every critic of every Awami League beneficiary will be a razakar. It is a poor defence of a weak person or group. If that be the situation then today a large number of people would have been razakars; and that is definitely not the situation in the country. So instead of pointing the razakaree fingers (there! I said it!) at others with false accusations, the accused ought prove their integrity. Political individuals, political parties, and political governments must learn to learn from constructive social and political criticism; therein lies the strength of the individual, the party, the government, and democracy. It is not a good omen to publicly proclaim that one would accept such criticism for the betterment of the nation, and then encourage rogues to go and bash the first person or group that utters as much as a negative and justified observation. In today's world it is political and social immaturity to react to every evaluation, blame, and condemnation.
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