Swadhin Bangla Football Team
The latest issue of the Star dedicated to the country's independence was a delight to read. One of the stories that caught my eye was the one regarding the Swadhin Bangla Football Team that played football to help the country. It's just one of those stories that re-emphasise the fact that people in Bangladesh did everything they could to win independence.
On another note, it's a pity that the game that once upon a time was a crowd favourite, is no longer as popular as it was before. While people blame the rise of cricket for the diminishing image of football, I think the demise is more related to corruption in the Bangladesh Football Federation. Concerned authorities should provide ample support for different sports in the country.
Abdul Jabar Khan
Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Language Please!
Photo: Amirul Rajiv |
I was shocked to hear the kind of language used by the MPs in the parliament recently. The kind of words used would be frowned upon in any public place, and to have spoken in such a language in the great Shangshad Bhaban, is a disgrace for our country. I am ashamed that they are called our representatives!
If this kind of language can be used inside the House, it's no wonder that the country is in such a state. Members of the Parliament are our legislators and that, in my opinion, is the highest honour for any citizen. They are supposed to be the brain behind our country's development. But I highly doubt their abilities. How can they help develop the country when they can't even converse in a polite manner? I think that it's frustrating for the younger generation to have these people as leaders. We need a change in order to save the nation's image.
Tahmidul Islam
University of Dhaka
Historical Verdict
It was great news for the people of Bangladesh when we were awarded a maritime area of 200 miles (111,000square kilometers), including a full 12-mile territorial sea around St Martin's Island on the principle of equity, rather than on the principle of geometric equidistance from Myanmar and India.
The president of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), Jose Luis Jesus, of Cape Verde read out the 151-page judgment in the presence of our foreign minister, Dipu Moni and gave a landmark verdict in favour of Bangladesh. The credit goes particularly to this government which initiated the move to seek international arbitration in order to resolve the 38-year-long dispute of demarcation at the Bay of Bengal with Myanmar and India. This is another victory for Bangladesh after getting independence in 1971 from Pakistan. We hope our government will protect our maritime area with strong and upgraded-naval forces. We also hope that the Ministry of Defense will take steps to explore and promote our maritime resources
Muhammad Azim Uddin
University of Dhaka

Photo: Zahedul I Khan
A Living Hell
This letter is about the article titled, 'A Living Hell', published on March 16, 2012. The article describes the daily problems of the dwellers of this city. The article interestingly delved into our daily routine and talked about the crises of drinking water and the lack of natural gas—amenities that are a must for surviving in this city. As city-dwellers, we simply expect the amenities provided by the government but the reality is something different. On one hand, we don't have sufficient amount of natural gas, without which we can't cook food, and on the other hand, we don't receive clean water due to which we need to store water in the morning for the rest of the day.
All these problems make our lives intolerable. The cover story dealt with the problems very critically. I would request the concerned authorities to take effective steps in order to reduce the sufferings of the city dwellers by providing them with the most basic necessities, without which our life comes to a standstill.
Qamrul Islam
The cover story published on 16th March– A Living Hell– has compelled me to write this letter. Dhaka, once upon a time, was a good, healthy and livable city, though such a notion may sound unbelievable to the members of the new generation. However, people living in the capital are leading a sub-standard life due to the lack of gas, pure water and power supply. Without water, gas, and electricity, life cannot be imagined in the city. The writer has very vividly shown us the kind of problems people face every day. Thousands of people, including students in the city are suffering the way Aysha Islam, Jahanara Begum and Rashed-- names of dwellers from the story– are struggling.
The writer describes it as an unending struggle as people claim that they have lodged complaints to no avail. The writer has collected a wide range of information from different parts of Dhaka which has made the cover story really informative. On the basis of the collected information the writer could have come up with some recommendations that would have helped the policymakers to deal with the problems. I would again like to request the concerned authority to take all feasible steps to ease the sufferings of the people before the situation gets out of control.
Md Musfikur Rahman Jony
Baneswar, Rajshahi
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