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Volume 10 |Issue 39 | October 14, 2011 | |
Letters Combat Autism “I am not misbehaving, I have autism please be Understanding.' This is the message to world community to pay proper attention to autistic children. The last article on “When life pulls you down” in Star Magazine was a heart touching one. I was deeply moved by that mother's feeling, how much she has been struggling for her child for years. I respect her devotion and sacrifice for her child. Her success is in the way, she has been facing such an adversity in her surroundings. In this regards, firstly the media can play a vital role to increase awareness in the society. Secondly, the educational system must be a lot more supportive of autistic children and their parents. Thirdly, the government should adopt a policy to set up schools for better education and care of autistic children. Finally, policy and research on risk factors of development disorders should be set up in the context of Bangladesh. Mizanur Rahman
Dangerous Liaisons Last week's Dangerous Liaisons again brought to light the politics of violence that pervade our educational institutions. Whereas the main objective of student politics should be to bring to the open the just demands of students, sadly in our country, it is just the opposite. In fact, student wings of political parties are seen strangling the movement of ordinary students in their just demands, as in the case of Jagannath University. The writer in his article Dangerous Liaisons has rightly pointed out that if any culprit is to be tried it should be the very concept of politics in our country. Ahmed Manna We don't Need no Education Many congratulations to the writer, for a genuinely satirical article, 'We don't need no education!” which purported to reflect the opinions of Bangladeshi school children who are fed up with the diet of double-think they are being fed from the adult world and breaking out in rebellion in a 'Children's Spring'! It would be fun if she could make up one long drama sketch or several short ones, that could be used in Secondary Schools which teach moral education or, otherwise, could certainly liven up school assemblies, as long as there is some suitable reflections afterwards. The moral implications need to be pointed out. Being aware of some of the hypocrisies with which young people are surrounded is one thing but (we all hope) the result should be that young people decide to develop into different sorts of adults themselves! The article revealed the talent of the writer who was being sharp and observant but without being needlessly cruel or offensive. This kind of humorous and constructive criticism is all too rare in this society. Nury Vittachi is another writer with this talent. Long live satire! Angela Robinson A Social Movement to Stop Soaring Costs of Basic Foods
Thanks to The Star magazine for publishing a write-up about the 'Ongoing Political Economy of Food' on September 30, 2011. People of Bangladesh are very much accustomed to the word 'price hike' since the birth of the nation on December 16, 1971. Our freedom fighters have fought against Pakistan to build a poverty-free Bangladesh. We have passed 40 years since our liberation but we have failed to implement the vision and mission of our freedom fighters. Actually we are living in an internal colonial era. The ruling sides as well as opposition are always ready to work with the prescriptions of a noble class – “The businessmen”. This class has the power to establish the opposition or ruling parties by providing both the financial and muscle power according to their need. They can implement their wishes through the ruling as well as opposition parties. Mass people should come forward to fight against this selfish behaviour, attitude as well as perception of these classes. The common people should stand under a platform to fight all forms of cheating, corruption as well as mismanagement related to food production, distribution and consump-tions through food riot or food boycott campaign like the one held on February 20, 1917, during The World War I. All producers should form a community based 'cluster market' for their daily market management and will sell their product directly to the consumers. Md Nasir Uddin After 1971, India Appears Unfriendly- A Prologue I wish to add some of my views on the letter-'After 1971, India Appears Unfriendly' which appeared on The Star magazine of September 16, 2011. India's support and military intervention during the War of Liberation gave India a timely opportunity to intervene to make the best of her political scheme. It is worth mentioning that the politicians of India think ahead their strategy with regard to geopolitical aspects as compared to their neighbouring countries. When it comes to any political crunches, all the political parties stand united and they do their home work much ahead taking into consideration the pros and cons, unlike our nation. India with its nuclear power has the tendency to behave like big brother to her neighbours. They are a nation of sweet words but very vindictive and politically very articulate in conducting foreign relations. We as a sovereign nation would like to live in peace and on friendly terms based on strong mutual trust and cooperation built on reciprocal ideology and good-will gesture. Mashudul Haque Submission Guideline: Letters to the Editor, Star Diary and Write to Mita, with the writer's name and address, should be within 200 words. All articles should be within 1,200 words. A cover letter is not necessary, but every write-up should include the writer's name, phone number and email address (if any). While The Star welcomes unsolicited articles and photographs, it cannot accept the responsibility of their loss or damage. The Star does not return unsolicited articles and photos. Response time for unsolicited write-ups ranges from three weeks to two months. All articles submitted are subject to editing for reasons of space and clarity. Copyright
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