Star Diary
When Humanity Falls Apart
News of road mishaps has become more frequent than even. But, the lack of proper actions following the horrific accidents is aiding the recklessness of the drivers. Moreover, the malevolent attitude towards the victims forces one to question the sense of humanity left among us.
A private car driver I know had undergone a deadly mishap and its dismal consequences about two months ago. The dreadful accident took place on the Bangabandhu Multipurpose Bridge, as a truck had violently hit it. He was badly injured and was stuck inside the car. What happens by and large after such an event is that people flock around the accident spot. But shockingly enough, the hands these people lent were not to help him out but to snatch his belongings away! While the wounded driver was consistently crying out for help, these people kept on robbing him off, ignoring the call of humanity.
Ashim Kumar Paul
Government Edward College, Pabna.

Photo: star file
Reckless Robbery!
The other day, I was out with my friends and we went to have dinner at the Star Kabab in Dhanmondi. I parked my car on the lane beside the restaurant where other cars were parked as well. As a lot of friends were together, it took us quite a while to finish our food. After having done with the dinner, I went to my car. It was late and by then no other cars were parked near mine. Everything still looked okay. I got into the driving seat and started the car. As soon as I looked at the rear view mirror on the left, I got dumbstruck! There was no rear view mirror on the left. Somebody had ripped it off and stolen it. I had been in the restaurant for a couple of hours and meanwhile somebody had the guts to come to my car, break the mirror along with its body and get away with it! I am sure there were people who saw it, but nobody felt like stopping the thief or at least telling the security guard about it. Such incidents are increasing day by day. I think we need a vigilant mobile court to stop such robbery.
Sabbir Alam
Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Pathological Liar!
About eight months ago, we, the class of economics, at our university threw a farewell party to a friend of ours. He got admitted as a transfer student to a renowned university in Canada, well that's what he told us. A few days ago, a friend of ours, Arefin, bumped into this very person at a shop in Mahakhali. Amazed, he asked this person why he was not in Canada! In reply he said that his father died a couple of months ago and he had to return from Canada and support his family. Arefin conveyed the news to us. I was dumbstruck with the news as I met his father a few days ago at a wedding! I couldn't believe a person could lie about his own father's death! I let Arefin and other friends of ours know about this pathetic truth. It seems that, this special friend of ours is a pathological liar. The fact behind his leaving the university was that his family could not afford his tuition anymore, so he had to drop out. All this time he was working at an event management company to support his family. It's understandable that no one would be comfortable to talk about such issues but it's ridiculous to invent far-fetched stories to hide one's insecurities. At first I was really angry at that friend of mine but now I just feel sorry for him. I wish he could understand that we were and are his friends after all and we would always be there to help him out, somehow.
Kabir Islam
Bikes on the Footpath
The other day I was rushing my way to the coaching centre as my students were waiting for me. After getting off the bus I was walking on the footpath. The roads were jam-packed as usual and so was the footpath. All of a sudden, a motor bike with two passengers hit me while I was on the footpath. The biker didn't even bother apologising; instead he threw a look at me as though it was my fault that I was walking on the footpath! I fell down and fortunately nothing serious happened. A traffic police was on duty nearby and he immediately came. The crowd seized the motorist, but the police let him go. Then he told me to be careful for the safety of people who are using those sidewalks. But the footpath should be only for pedestrians but it has become a common practice for the cycle, bike even rickshaws to crowd these narrow paths as shortcuts. The authority it seems does not mind; the traffic police's reaction only proves my suspicion.
Alamgir Hossain Shanto
Department of AIS, University of Dhaka

Photo: Amran Hossain