Star Diary
Electricity-Scarcer than the Golden Deer
As summer has arrived, load-shedding is back to our lives too. We all are familiar with the one/two hour interval system of load shedding. But recently, in Bashundhara residential area we had more than 18 hours of load shedding. The water supply is gone and those who have IPSs at their home suffer as well, as those IPSs don't get enough electricity to get charged! After two days of such suffering, I have got to know that there are some major bursts in the electricity supply system in our area. A matter of fact is that as there is a lot of construction work going on in this area, many take illegal line to the buildings. This creates a whole lot of pressure on the supply system and as a result they burn and burst frequently. The law enforcers should remain vigilant to nab these illegal 'subscribers'.
Kabr Ashraf
Bashundhara, Dhaka

Photo: Zahedul I Khan
Humanity not Obsolete Yet
The other day, one of my colleagues was on his way to office by a minibus. After he got off from the bus, he took a rickshaw. All of a sudden, he heard someone shouting at him from the minibus and asking him whether he had left his mobile phone. My colleague, to his utter surprise, found his mobile missing and made sure it was his mobile, inadvertently left in the bus. The gracious man hurriedly gave the mobile to my colleague through the window of the minibus. After hearing it, all of us in the office opined that still there were some good people out there for which the world was still so beautiful.
Hossain Muhammad Imtiaz
EXIM Bank, Chittagong
In-house Thieves
A couple of days ago, I was on a day trip with my mother around the city. We had a new chauffeur driving our car who had joined a few weeks earlier. Both my mother and I had noticed that there was something rolling around in the dickey of our car. First we thought may be that was the water-bucket we keep there, which might have got misplaced. But the bumpy road made the rolling sound much worse and we asked our chauffeur to stop the car and to place the water-bucket properly so it does not roll around. Our chauffeur and I both got out of the car to do that and to my surprise I noticed that the water-bucket was perfectly placed; the things that were rolling around were big bottles where the new chauffeur was collecting octane from our car. He was hired only weeks before and he was already stealing oil. I asked my mother to come over and have a look. She was shocked and asked the chauffeur what those bottles were doing in the car. The chauffeur lied on our face and told us that those were not brought by him. But we checked the car right after our previous chauffeur had left!
Siam Gaffar
Banani, Dhaka