Gas Crisis
A recurrent event, which has become a common trend, has been developing in recent times. As we are getting accustomed to deal with these trends, we are not aware of the hindering effects brought about by this indiscriminate and vile tradition. I have observed that, in many families, there is a tendency to save a single match-stick by keeping the gas burning until the next time the gas stove is used. We often forget that gas, our main natural resource, is a limited asset. Sometimes I think that we are cheating our country. As we know, we use gas to produce electricity, fertilisers, to run vehicles and so on and so forth. But the most regretful thing is the ongoing careless usage of natural gas. My request to the people and the concerned authorities is that they use this limited resource a little more carefully and economically.
Mahmudul Hasan Hemal
Department of English,
University of Chittagong

Bangladesh has made its grand introduction to the world through cricket. Now the tigers are renowned and are making the country proud. On 17 February I went to the Mirpur stadium with some of my friends around 1am and we saw many supporters shouting and cheering the Bangladesh team in their first match. People of all ages where present; the Mirpur Stadium caught the attention of thousands. The scenario was too beautiful, and the awesome lights stunned everyone. The world cup seems to have united the whole nation, and this is reason enough for celebrations. Every Bengali is praying for Bangladesh to perform their best no matter what the outcome is. It makes me think, if we unite like this to work towards the betterment of our country, we can solve many pressing problems such as river pollution, the illegal takeover of land and rivers, illicit poaching of wild species and many more problems. I believe it is only then that we can be truly proud of our nation.
Sayem bin Kashem
In Support of Yunus
Sacrificing our most distinguished, respected and dedicated citizen to the altar of petty legal technicalities, non-issues, and political vindictiveness— this is one of our darkest hours as a nation. And yet we, who respect and support Prof. Yunus have not shown enough visible, vocal, verbal support. Other parts of the country were out there forming human chains, expressing not just their displeasure with the government's policy, but, in his time of need, also an affirming show of support for our beleaguered humanitarian, our beloved national icon. Except for an editorial or an article in the media, why has the capital been quiet? Where are the civil society, the intelligentsia, the empowered women, the educated youth, the Friends of Grameen at home? Where are the human chains in the capital?
By our silence we have also allowed the only heard voices of criticism to come from the opposition parties, helping them milk the situation for political benefit. The powers that be, with their insensitivity to public opinion and public sentiments went ahead on their vindictive course proving not only that they have questionable political sense but also that they care little for the image of the nation, thus perhaps, even for the greater welfare of the nation and its future. They risk losing the confidence of future voters and also harming the future of an institution that has worked for the welfare of the poor and for the empowerment of impoverished women.
Worldwide today, people have gathered their moral courage, tapped their collective strength to change the course of injustice, yet we kept quiet. Once upon a time, we Bengalis stood up for our right to speak in our own language. Now that we have our language, we are not using it to speak up against the unjust vilification of our most honoured citizen.
I do not know what the High Court's decision will be. If it is in favour of Prof. Yunus, I will know that justice and the Bengali nation have hope. If not, I wish to exress my solidarity with Prof. Yunus and say, no matter what, Yunus and Grameen are one. Even when you separate the mother from the child, she does not stop being its birth giver. I respect my mother, my mother tongue and today on International Women's day, the man who has empowered many an impoverished mother in my motherland.
Neeman Sobhan
Rome, Italy
Hats Off to the Tigers
Photo: Star File |
The cricket fever hit Bangladesh when we gained the test cricket status in 2000. The whole country is now infected with this fever. At last we are one of the glorious nations in the world who have achieved our expected position in the cricket arena. This is not the first time that the world cup has taken place in the sub-continent but it is the first time that we have got the opportunity to become a host country of this great event.
With this encouragement, the tigers are trying to give their best performance in all the matches. The first match between Bangladesh and India in the ICC cricket match gave our tigers so much power and strength to face the challenge of the next match in which the most awaited victory has been achieved in the Bangladesh Vs. Ireland match held on 25 February, 2011 at Mirpur Shere-Bangla stadium. Thank you, Bangladesh cricket team for this wonderful victory. Our cricket team makes Bangladesh known to the world. We, the people of this country at home and abroad, are proud of you. This is an auspicious moment for us. I hope, that the 16 core citizens of Bangladesh again start believing in themselves. I hope the day is not so far when our country will win the World Cup. Try to keep up the good work in every match and we will keep supporting you!
Farhana Hoque Panna
University of Dhaka
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