Good luck Tigers!
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The long-awaited, cricket showdown is now at our doorstep. Everybody has been infected with the ICC World Cup 2011 fever. Cricket lovers all over the country have been waiting impatiently for this event to begin. Our country has definitely made it's mark on the map because of this event. Now all that remains to be seen is how well our own team, the Tigers, perform at the world cup. As they will be playing on home ground, cricket experts are optimistic that they will perform their best. However, our team is fairly new compared to the other cricket giants participating in this mega event. The Tigers have been playing well for a new team. They already have a two series win against New Zealand and Zimbabwe. This should boost the confidence level of the team and encourage the captain, Sakib-Al- Hasan to lead the team into the second round. The match against India is very important because the good beginning means half the battle is won. If the Tigers relax and simply enjoy the game without feeling a pressure to win, they will do a great job.
I am a bit disappointed that no Bangladeshi Flags have been hoisted on rooftops to show support for our national team. The atmosphere is different from the time when the football world cup goes on and this is quite disheartening. It is my special request to all cricket fans out there to show their support for our team by raising our flags everywhere. Let’s show the world we are huge cricket fans too. Let’s have a wonderful time at this world cup and wish our cricket team the very best!
Mohammad Zia-ul-haque
IIU , Chittagong
Fresher Panic
Ragging is common in any university campus though it is unethical and is a social crime. Freshers enter a university with a lot of hope and dreams. But nowadays they have to worry about ragging. They fear that if they ask for help from the authorities in this matter the harassment by the senior students may get even worse. Many students have anti-ragging rules, banning this practice on campus and in dormitories, but these rules are not applied properly. Many seniors force freshmen to perform activities that are shameful and humiliating and they sometimes leave long-term scars both physically and emotionally. Recently, four students on our campus were punished for taking part in ragging. However, some seniors are still saying that this is their way of preparing freshmen for the real world. I myself was a victim of their heinous practice when I was a first year student. I believe that this is not any civilised way to treat a fellow student or anyone for that matter.
Jony Khan
SUST, Sylhet

Photo: zahedul i khan
Please save the rivers
The Dhaka city is now a tough place to live in. The load-shedding, massive traffic jams and the inadequate supply of gas and water etc has made the living condition more difficult. The nature is much too imbalanced due to tampering on our part. The main source of water in our homes is extracted from underground, and too much extraction can lead to earthquakes. Water is also not recycled properly, as a result of which there is 30 per cent less soil in the city. The underground water supply will be depleted in a few years. The only water supply left will be the water in the rivers and demand for clean water can only be met by cleaning this water. Currently, many industries dump their chemical waste into the Buriganga causing the water to turn toxic. In addition, untreated sewage is also dumped into the rivers, causing many aquatic plants and animals to become extinct. Bangladesh is a country of rivers, but no effort is being made to look after these water bodies. Not a thought is given to how future demands for water will be met. The government must take necessary steps to do something about this situation. We, as citizens, must also petition to save our rivers for the future generations.
MD Mahbubur Rahman
Student of a public university
The Facebook Mania
Facebook is now one of the largest social networks in the whole world. It is very effective and it really helps to keep us updated and connected to old friends and new and provides various forms of entertainment. It has attracted people from all ages, class and genders. This also takes us one step closer to the electronic world. But it may cause trouble in the hands of children. They get distracted from their studies and usual physical activities such as sports are ignored. They may also become victims to Internet stalkers and sexual predators through this and other networking. Parents should be cautious and make sure they monitor what their children are upto on their computers.
Md Mahbubur Rahman
Student of Glare Institute
Land Grabbing
Almost every day, we see news about land grabbing in the papers. This phenomenon seems to be increasing everyday. However, very few electronic and print media cover this news. If the media does not highlight this problem more and bring it to the attention of the government, we are in for trouble in the future. We must protest against such illegal activities to protect our beloved country. We want a safe and healthy environment where everyone's rights are protected. The government must make and implement laws to prevent land grabbing.
Rowshan Ali
Northern University of Bangladesh
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