Digital Bangladesh!
Dhaka University, which is traditionally known as the 'The Oxford of the East' is the best educational institution in Bangladesh. There is a Cyber Centre at TSC (the teacher student center) on campus. But unfortunately, Cyber Centre has only 40 computers, which is not sufficient for the 30,000 students enrolled in the university. Moreover, about ten to fifteen computers are always out of order.The present government's policy, of "a charter for change" and its "vision 2021," which envisions a digital Bangladesh are not implemented here. While the world is aiming to provide Internet connectivity to all, we are still deprived of basic technology needed to complete our work/ assignments. I would like to draw the attention of the Dhaka University Cyber Centre authorities to take proper steps to increase the number of computers and fix the computers, which are not working.
Bellal Ahmed Bhuiyan (Anik)
University of Dhaka
Parking on the Road
Photo: Zahedul I Khan |
Recently, people of this country are beginning to wonder if they are truly independent, and whether it is possible for them to ever be truly independent. Try and walk on the footpath for two minutes. It is a major challenge, with all the tea stalls and fruit stands and beggars and the millions of pedestrians trying to push you off. The roads are even worse. Cars are parked everywhere on the main roads. About 50 percent of roads are parked with vehicles, causing horrendous traffic jams everywhere. Buses hardly ever show up on time and the lines at the bus stop are a mile long, causing more congestion on the roads. This causes loss of time and productivity and ultimately slows down the economic growth of this country. What will we do then? The government must take steps to improve the condition of our roads and the traffic situation as soon as possible using all the resources at their disposal efficiently.
Md Arman Chy Nayan
University of Dhaka
Unemployment has become the greatest problem not only in Bangladesh, but also all over the world. In the last decade the problem has worsened. After completing their graduation a large number of talented youngsters enter a new phase of life with a certain amount of anxiety. They know that for the next few years, they are unlikely to find employment. Then frustration takes over and they give up hope and try to find alternate means of earning a living. As a result, a promising percentage of our manpower is lost to drugs and crime. Edward Kennedy once said, “ Dreams never die, but they do change colour.” I am now a final year student of engineering. As my graduation day approaches, I have mixed feelings of happiness and uncertainity. Will the colour of my dreams be forced to change?
Md Qader-Ul-Newaz
IIU, Chittagong
Tutor-Student Relationship
I am a student of law. For various reasons my friends and acquaintances like to share their personal problems with me. While dealing with such problems I usually come across a common dilemma. The majority of male young private tutors seem to fall in love with their students. Sometimes the crush develops from the students' side. This relationship often turns into a physical one. In most of these cases however, they come to their senses and regret what they have done. It is then that they come to me for advice and counselling. In my opinion, the student teacher relationship should be one of mutual trust and respect. The teacher, being the responsible adult must maintain a certain level of distance and control over his/her emotions. If they do not do this, the dignity of this relationship is lost forever. The students are young and inexperienced in matters of love and may develop feelings for someone they look up to. It is the teacher's responsibility to keep them in check and remind themselves of the trust the students' parents place on them when they allow them into their homes and give them the responsibility of educating their child. Parents must also be more vigilant and keep tabs on what goes on between their child and his/her tutor.
Hossain Mohammad Reza
University of Chittagong
Proper Co-operation
We Bangladeshis are happy and proud whenever we find out about any innovative creation or discovery by a fellow countryman. But how much do we know about a creative person's life? Does anyone ever stop to think about it? We learn from seminars and discussions and documentaries that an innovator needs financial as well as emotional support for his/her work. Since we are a developing country, new inventions are necessary to promote our country and improve our economy. Our current generation possesses many talents that need nurturing. If they are given proper incentive and resources, they can come up with many new ideas and creations that will help the development of our nation. I strongly believe the government should pay attention to our youngsters and try to encourage them in any way possible to nurture their talents and promote innovation.
Subrata Ray
SUST, Sylhet
Public universities
in dire conditions
Higher education is one of the essential elements of our education system. The purpose of higher education is to gather knowledge, through research and to train highly skilled workers. So our higher education system should be of high quality, job related and above all sustainable-development oriented. But the quality of our public universities are declining due to their failure to update their syllabus, lack of good professors, a traditional education system, lack of teaching staff, political influence, lack of modern facilities, teacher politics and session jam. The syllabus of our public universities is not constructed to keep up with the changing world. It must be updated immediately. Nowadays most of the teachers of public universities are taking part-time classes at private universities for extra cash and have very little time to give to the public universities. Teacher and student politics is another factor that destroys the reputation of higher education. Adequate computers, Internet, digital libraries and laboratory facilities are needed in today's changing world. But these facilities are very outdated in public universities. Political interference in case of teacher recruitment rather than merit is another main cause that destroys the quality of our education system. Session jam is the most frustrating issue in public universities. We need to wait for six years to complete our four-year honours course. These things need to change and they need to change as soon as possible.
Md Tanvir Rahman (Tapos)
University of Chittagong
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