Violence is not the answer

The vicious and frightening violence resorted to by the garment workers in different parts of the capital and Gazipur rejecting new wage structure is just what anybody should expect from such elements whose sole purpose was to incite people to break the law. However genuine the grievances of the workers are, such anarchical behaviour on their part cannot be condoned on any account. Inciting people to break the law is the first step on a not so long road that leads to lawlessness and ultimately authoritarian rule. Is it not ironic that just as our people fought and sacrificed for democracy, some rowdy elements in the society are busy throwing it out of the window?
Syed Badrul Haque
Quota system for civil service recruitment
As we know exceptional appointment cannot be more than the general appointment but in our country what we see for civil service recruitment,a 55 percent quota is reserved for four categories of opportunist where 45 per cent for talented person.Recently,the government has taken decision that if candidates are not available for reserved seats then these reserved seats will never be filled up by the candidates of general seats.So our heartiest request to our main guardian, the government, that it is needed to increase the percentage of general seats for civil service recruitment to make our country developed by giving more chance to talented person.
Subrata Ray
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology
On the Road to Closure
I would like to start by thanking our government for introducing the judgment of war crimes. War criminals' judgment was an election pledge of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who returned to power in January 2009. It is obviously a long issue that will have to face strong debate. Despite that, I strongly believe that the government will be able to give us an impartial judgment on war crimes. Five Jamaat's leaders have already been arrested, as war criminals and I believe this is a good start. So as far as we know war criminals are not only members of Jamaat but also BNP, BJP, AL etc. To sustain neutrality of war criminals' judgment, the government must look into all political parties.
I have faith that the government will sustain impartiality in the judgment of war crimes and I hope I will not be disappointed.
Mohammed Jamal Uddin
International Islamic University
On “Taking Football Seriously”
From 'Waka Waka' to 'Wavin' Flags', from 'vuvuzela' to 'jabulani', it would be imprudent of us if we ignore the influence of World Cup Footbal'10 and the impact it has left in the minds of the majority of this football-maniac nation. And would it equally be foolhardy if we tend to make a stand for producing footballers like Messi or Villa overnight. It is shocking but true that we are lagging behind in global football on a regular basis whereas other SAARC countries, India or Maldives for instance, are making exemplary efforts to develop their football on and off the field. Lack of infrastructure, reluctant sponsors, discontinuity of major league tournaments- are few of the conundrums to name for these adverse circumstances. But throwing mud at one another is one practice we must abandon if we really want to see a different scenario. Otherwise, we will be doomed forever in this discordant blamegame and can only hope for ancient gods from Olympus to descend down and perform miracles to change our lot.
No doubt, materialising proper initiatives is easier said than done. But we have faith in Salahuddin and seemingly, so have the sponsors. So far, the top sponsors of the country have agreed to finance all the essential drills BFF is to set in motion in the upcoming years. Nevertheless, the football federation is in good hands right now.
And as per we, the audience, are concerned, it is high time we began varnishing the galleries rather than the drawing rooms and blew Mexican-waves in the fields than storms in the evening tea-cups. The sun cannot remain eclipsed forever. We must tighten our belts and do whatever necessary to lift up Bangladesh amidst the other renowned footballing nations. And if we do so, soon shall be the time we do not have to commit the 'anti-sovereignty' crime of upholding national flags of other countries.
Zihad Azad
Dhaka City College
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