Law Book Review
Simplification of most useful laws
Md. Raisul Islam Sourav
Ainer Sohoj Path (Plain text of law)
Author: Tanzim Al Islam
Publisher: Bhashachitra
First published: Ekushey Boi Mela 2012
Price shown: 200 Tk. |
This book is intended to simplify law. Why is simplification necessary? As the author states in preface that, most of the law books in our country are crammed with complex section and sub-section, cases, precedents from superior courts etc. In addition, legal terms and etiquettes in court are strange to us. Further, writers of these books are more strenuous to deal with the provision of law rather the language or word by which they express their construal.
Most of suffered litigants are not conversant with multifaceted procedure of court. Moreover, knotty issues of law are as much as spiky that an erudite person may also not be able to appreciate the actual meaning of legislation. Consequently, a straightforward presentation excluding core theory is obvious to realize law by mass people. We know the sole aim of law is to ensure justice and welfare of citizens by any means. If we imprison it within a group i.e. Law students, Advocates, Judges, Teachers or Researchers then it would definitely deprive rest of the natives of this soil from getting natural justice.
This new manuscript is first initiative by the author to generalize most frequently used laws. This book will help them who are seeking remedy but not able to understand law, even after passing his whole life at court yard. I trust this initiative will also mitigate curiosity of enthusiastic readers.
Ainer shohoj path is divided into three parts, namely- Family laws, Land laws and House rent law. Introductory portion deals with family matters, more specifically Muslim family matters. However, a little segment cover other religion. In this chapter, Tanzim discusses ingredients of Muslim marriage and registration; detail provision and myth relating to dower; all rules of maintenance including wife, child and parents; child marriage; existing law concerning polygamy; divorce\; dissolution of marriage; registration, maintenance and dower after dissolution; legal provision of Hilla marriage; guardianship and custody of minor; restitution of conjugal life; family court; marriage between different religion believer; dowry and rules of inheritance.
In middle part, he furnishes authentic, updated, significant as well as compound issues of real estate laws in plain lexis e.g. office and organization of land; various types of survey and Khatiyan; relief from forgery; caution before purchasing land; verification of title and ownership; stipulation of gift; acquisition of land; rules relating to will; registration; deed registration fees; mutation, application procedure, process when application not granted, vigilance regarding mutation; power of attorney and its cancellation; succession certificate; notary public and its fees; examination of forged deed, punishment of forgery; cancellation of illegal deed; lease; problem arising out of possession; suit concerning specific performance of deed; partition suit; land development tax, pre emption and waqf estate.
Finally, the essayist inserts House rent law at the concluding part of this book. House rent is a burning issue now a day. Hence, Tanzim wants to inform his readers about actual laws regarding house rent. I believe this portion not only create consciousness among tenant but also build awareness among landlords about regulation of house rent. This chapter includes formation of house rent contract; fixation of standard house rent; receipt must be delivered to tenant; amount of advance rent; relief when landlord not repair the house; eviction of tenant and when rent shall be deposited in court.
Maximum topics of this book are conversed with realistic illustrations. Tanzim Al Islam tries his level best to make each word explicable. He also illustrates some incidents by which a layperson will also be able to understand the theme. His own style of narration is smooth as well as attractive which magnetize unacquainted to explore law by easier method. Author not merely explains these issues in a simpler way rather invent a new way to write law in Bangla. I think this book will be treated as mirror of court for those who are not ever seen court proceeding during their lifetime. He also discloses court fees, notary fees and other expenditures; which will assist litigants to reduce their cost. Cause we all know that, litigants are mostly unaware of it and a group of Advocates and Notary Publics took this chance of their unawareness.
After finishing this new legal literature, I trust, this book will aid nonprofessionals to conduct their legal problems by themselves. Since the book touches every corner of a problem. Facile and unambiguous language and proper selection of word reach this book at a different stage. Each of the three major topics covers major legal problems in our daily life.
These issues should insert in secondary education syllabus so that everyone can at least resolve their own family or partition matter by their own initiative. This will also reduce back lodge of our court. Sequential balance is another exclusive feature of this book which will help booklovers to cope up with the subject matter. Tanzim Al Islam formulates all relevant matters in a single document, which requires thanks to him because no one prior to him took such a courageous as well as experimental initiative.
Writing law book is not so easy. Because an author cannot fundamentally change the law, he can merely present it in a different way. Tanzim just do so by his new book. He starts his journey to make law populace friendly by this book and I eagerly waiting for his upcoming initiative to destroy the elite ness of law.
The writer is Lecturer, Department of Law, Dhaka International University (DIU).