Legal Maxim
Generale nihil certum implicat - A general expression implies nothing certain.
Generalia praecedunt, specialia sequuntur - Things general precede, things special follow.
Generalia specialibus non derogant - Things general do not derogate from things special.
Generalis regula generaliter est intelligenda - A general rule is to be generally understood.
Gravius est divinam quam temporalem laedere majestatem - It is more serious to hurt divine than temporal majesty.
Habeas corpus - That you have the body.
Habemus optimum testem confitentem reum - We have the best witness, a confessing defendant.
Haeredem est nomen collectum - Heir is a collective name.
Haeres est nomen juris, filius est nomen naturae - Heir is a term of law, son, one of nature.
Haeres legitimus est quem nuptiae demonstrant - He is the lawful heir whom the marriage indicates.