"Law quotations"
"The Martial Law Authorities in imposing Martial Law behaved like an alien force conquering Bangladesh all over again, thereby transforming themselves as usurpers, plain and simple. Be that as it may, although it is very true that illegalities would not make such continuance as a legal one but in order to protect the country from irreparable evils flowing from convulsions of apprehended chaos and confusion and in bringing the country back to the road map devised by its Constitution, recourse to the doctrine of necessity in the paramount interest of the nation becomes imperative. In such a situation, while holding the Proclamations etc. as illegal and void ab initio, we provisionally condone the Ordinances, and provisions of the various Proclamations, MLRs and MLOs. …"
A B M Khairul Haque J., in Bangladesh Italian Marble Works Ltd v. Government of Bangladesh and Others (Popularly known as 5th Amendment Case), 2006 (Spl) BLT (HCD) 1, at 239.