For Your Information
Resource Centre
Law and rights information made available
Shafiul Azam
Now-a-days, resource centres are an inevitable part of city life. A resource centre is as information hub. Along with the usual library contents, it is enriched with awareness raising materials, IEC (information and educative contents) materials and BCC (behavioural change and communication) materials. It preserves audio-visual materials, information tools and keeps them in usable form. Another significant feature of Resource Centre is capacity building of both organisation and human resource. There are many resource centres in Dhaka city focusing on different issues.
National Anti-Trafficking Information Resource Centre (NATIRC): This centre was established in January 2000. Since then it has increased its collection of information resources gradually to enhance maximum dissemination of information. There are almost 700 printed materials including training manuals, research reports, case studies etc. The topics are on human trafficking issues, different forms of child rights violation, child labour, different forms of exploitation of children and women. There are quite a few IEC materials, BCC materials, anti-human trafficking awareness-raising documentary, movie and Drama etc. There are also posters, flip charts and brochures for children, adolescents and parents, campaign banner (digital), campaign logo (Bangla/English), leaflets, documentary films like “Destination Unknown” and “Chameli” on both VHS and CD. Interested persons may visit the following website; or may contact resource centre situated in Banani, House 11 (Flat # 3C), Road # 4, Old DOHS, Dhaka-1213.
INCIDIN Bangladesh (Instigated Community and Industrial Development in Bangladesh): This Resource Centre has two dimensions a) Resources on Child Rights that includes research papers, books, video documentation and training modules on child rights. b) Publications on globalisation and rights of workers and farmers' livelihood security options. Resources are preserved in tow forms: (i) Permanent or Hard copy and (ii) Electronic or virtual version.
Users of this resource centres are postgraduate students, researchers, trade union organisations, child rights activists and farmers' organisation, different child organisations. It is enriched with publication from all over the world, fundamental books, newspapers and journals. Digital library is also accessible through PC including web access. There are facility of get both information and knowledge, make copy in both printed and electronic version. The INCIDIN Bangladesh resource centre covers the areas of agriculture, economics, globalisations, history and culture, child affairs, poverty, social development, industry and labour, trade, gender issues, and land and laws. Interested persons may contact INCIDIN Bangladesh Resource Centre, 9/11, Iqbal Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka- 1207.
BILS (Bangladesh Institute of Labour Studies): This resource centre initiated its operation in 1998. It has a rich collection of books on labour issues, labour law history and culture. Thirty issues have been identified as related to working people including child labour and documented separately. Types of documentation are events related to working people published in daily newspaper, analysis of working people's relevant issues, publications on occupational safety and health, in-depth and fact finding report. There is also archives containing monthly publication “Shram Sangbad”, quarterly journals published by BILS. Some are digitised and keep in usable form. Resource centre is open for all from 9am to 5pm from Sunday to Thursday. Researchers and Intern from both national and abroad is user of it. Resource centre also provides facility of Internet browsing and seeing the digitised documents preserved in the archive. Mr. Mahmood Menon Khan, Information Officer, BILS, H # 20 (3rd Floor), R # 11 (New) 32 (Old), Dhanmandi Residential Area, Dhaka, May be contacted on phone: 8123868, Cell: 01711389585, E-mail- [email protected] / [email protected]. Web:
BNWLA (Bangladesh National Women Lawyers Association): This organisation has a resource centre enriched with information on trafficking in persons, violence against women and children and many other issues. Its special features are sizable of collection of publications on legal issues. Besides, there are journals on violation/rights of women and children, newsletters, legal gazette, both national and regional judgments on and missing persons' information. Digital resources are on human rights, documentary film, acid violence, dowry, re-integration, safe shelter and camel jockey. The centre also preserves database on different kinds of rights violation, such as public violence, rape, acid violence, trafficking in persons and domestic violence. Access is open for researchers, postgraduate students, and development workers. Interested persons may contact phone Nos 8112858 / 8125866 / 8123060, BNWLA, Monico Mina tower, 48/3, West Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka 1207.
The writer is a Resource Centre Programme Officer, ATSEC Bangladesh.