Court Corridor
Order is not signed yet! Where shall you go?
Well, after a long legal battle the Honourable Court of the High Court Division has decided in favour of you. You failed to calculate how much money you have spend to come here. The peons of the Honourable Judges' run after you for baksheesh. Security police will also give you salam. Usually no peon or security police chases when you lose your case. Bench clerk must get speed money for typing the order. Now you must also pay lubrication fees for the file to get to the section office of the Court in time. You also have paid that in advance. That's not the end of all payments! Now you also have to pay for the certified copy. When your loved one is inside the custody you are ready to do anything to get him or her free. Now a second seems to you to be an hour. However the judgment or order you are longing for is not signed yet for some reason! For example the Honourable Judge did not check it yet or second Judge yet to sign etc. How long it will take? Well that depends. The learned judges of the lower judiciary sometimes fix a date “For Order”. However for some unknown reason no such date comes in the near future. A case is now pending in the Nilphamari District Court. It is pending there for about 20 years and has travelled to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court even. However now it is only waiting for an order. You can anxiously wait and only wait for that day to come. Now you wonder where to go? You are simply hopelessly helpless.
Barrister Moksadul Islam is an advocate of the Supreme Court, Bangladesh, who can be reached at [email protected]
This regular column will publish on every alternate Saturday.