week your advocate is M. Moazzam Husain of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.
His professional interests include civil law, criminal law and constitutional
It is a very common incident that a newly construction has a strong
noise and passing through a constructing building often we have to suffer
by water and other dirty particles which are flown from the building.
Specially till late night the bustling noise annoyed the neighbours.
Is there any law by which we can get rid off from the sufferings? What
kind of remedy we can get from here?
Mizanur Rahman, Bohutola, Chittagong.
Advocate: Your question is a kind of question, which is arising
and evaporating into the air every day particularly in the Dhaka city
without any redress or answers. In a society where hardened criminals
cannot be brought to justice and innumerable murders, rape, extortion
are taking place and the criminals are on many occasions going escort-free
you cannot expect much in terms of your rights and comfort as a citizen.
Our slogans of life have now boiled down to one- 'We want guarantee
of dying a natural death.' Law, however, is not silent. Section 133
of the Criminal Procedure Code confers jurisdiction on the Magistrates
to take appropriate actions against the person-committing nuisance.
But for the Metropolitan areas the Metropolitan Police Ordinances will
apply. In addition suit for damages may be brought against the wrongdoer.
Law Desk
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