official instigated attack on the Hindu community
one of the victim informed Odhikar that on Sunday, the 2nd of June, 4
or 5 people called him from his house when he was sleeping. They identified
themselves as police of nearby Tomatola Police Outpost They ordered him
to go to camp without showing any reason which he did. On way to the police
camp heard an announcement over loud speaker that Shre Biswamar Das Babajee
Moharaj, priest of Shree Shree Nitai Goarasheva Ashram had defecated on
the Holy Quran in the mosque inside the Tomatola Police Camp. As soon
as he approached the camp, Sub Inspector Tofazzal, in charge of the local
police outpost beat him mercilessly at the veranda of the camp. Sheeven
Babu told Odhikar that D. Katrik Chandra Biswas, Anil Chandra Shah and
Bishambar Das Babazee, priest of the Ashram (mission) were picked up and
beaten as well by Sub Inspector Tofazzal and Constable Alamgir.
Das Babajee, priest of the Ashram (mission) told Odhikar that several
hundred of people of the neighbouring area, including Copalpur, gathered
around Tomaltola Police Camp immediately after the said announcement through
the loudspeaker. Later, under the leadership of Sub Inspector Tofazzal
they carried out an attack on several of homes belonging to the Hindu
Community, including Shree Shree Nitai Gora Shera Asram. When Biswamvar
wanted to know the reason of their arrest, the Police Inspector stated
that he had defecated on the holy Quran.
at 4:00 a. m. one Imtiaz Ali (50) of the same village, met them in the
police custody and informed them that if they were able to pay Tk. 20,000/=
(Twenty Thousand) he would convince the Sub Inspector to free them, which
they refused. After a while he (Iraz Ali) returned to them reduced the
money to ten thousand for their release. Being refused again Iraz got
agitated and threatened them with dire consequences. .
Katrik Chandra Shaha, another victim told that the following Monday (
4 June) , immediately after Fajar prayer, several thousand people of neighbouring
villages, including Gopalpur village, converged at the camp in a procession
and began chanting communal and provocative slogans. In the morning, they
vandalised the homes of Ajeet, Anil Shaha and Shree Shree Nitai Gora Asram.
They also damaged the furniture and looted the fruits from the trees planted
in the courtyard of the Asram (mission). A good number of people including
Ajeet Shaha and Sonali Rani came under attack.
Katrik Babu also said that when several thousands of people were attacking
the houses belonging to the Hindu Community, Superintendent of Kacher
Kul Madrasha, asked Sub Inspector Tofazzal to show evidence of the charge
brought against Biswambar Babajee. SI Tofazzal said that he heard from
TV news that similar incidents (of defecation on the Holly Quran) had
taken place in Dhaka. He pronounced this through the loud speaker.

of rumor
gathering mob got agitated when SI Tofazzal failed to give any satisfactory
explanation behind the attack. They then realised that Sub Inspector Tofazzal
had spread rumours against the Hindu Community out of personal grudge
and they had been manipulated to disturb communal harmony. Then the agitated
mob, being repentant of their own misdeeds, cordoned the police camp and
demanded the punishment of Sub Inspector Tofazzal.
the meantime, Sub Inspector Tofazzal, sensing the consequences of his
actions, sent a message to the higher authorities, including Shaila Kupa
Police Station. The message allegedly stated that a local crowd might
loot the camp. Immediately after receiving the message, Officer-in-Charge
of Shailakupa Police Station, Thana Nirbahi Officer (TNO)), Assistant
Police Super (Circle), Local Union Council Chairman and the public representatives
visited the spot. Ziauzzaman, Officer-in-Charge and Monir Ahmed, Assistant
Police Superintendent tired to pacify the agitated crowd assuring their
proper punishment of the accused Sub Inspector Tofazzal.
Chandra Shah said that a few months before this incident, SI Trafazzal
demanded toll of Taka one thousand, through another victim Shuvendra Nath,
from Biswambar Babajee, priest of the Asram (mission). And threatened
that he would implicate him in arms case if he fails to pay the amount.
Being refused he utilised the religious sentiments and incited the Muslims
of the area against the Hindu Community to vindicate his personal enmity.
He arrested the four people, charged them with false deeds and tortured
them brutally.
Nayeb Ali of the neighbouring Agunia locality informed Odhikar that local
Member Nawsher, Yunus Ali and Iraz Ali were in the constant collaboration
with Amtola Police Camp. They provoked the general people to file before
cases with the police station. One the day of the incident, they co-operated
with Sub Inspector Tofazzal for attacking the Hindu Community and brought
out a procession. This statement was corroborated while Odhikar discussed
it with most of the people of the locality. Moreover, Sub Inspector Tofazzal
was known to the people of the locality as a corrupt man. This sentiment
was verified, while talking to Mr. Shariful Islam Masum, Chairman, of
Dinghar Union Council and Mr. Bashir Ahmed, local Union Parishad Member
(Ward No. 3).
Ziauzzaman, Officer-in-Charge of Shailakupa Police Station informed Odhikar
that such kind of offence committed by an officer, who was the protector
of law and order, was really unpardonable. He also mentioned that Sub
Inspector Tofazzal was probably drunk when this incident happened.
Ahmed, Assistant Police Super (ASP) said that a one member inquiry committee
was formed and he was the member of the Committee. SI Tofazzal was 'closed'.
The inquiry report had already been submitted. Sub Inspector Tofazzal
was suspended and a departmental case would be filed against him very
a human rights organisation carried out this investigation on the basis
of a news report titled 'Police Inspector's Rumour Leads to the Attack
on the Hindu Community' which was published in the national dailies on
3rd June, 2003 with the support of Academy for Educational Development