Resource Centre for Indigenous Knowledge (BARCIK/IARD) is a non-governmental
organization that works for the inclusion of indigenous knowledge in development
initiatives and thus tries to establish a stand to improvise the features
of intellectual property rights in favor of grassroots people. I was involved
in its publications for last one year and my responsibilities included
preparing a monthly newsletter and a quarterly journal in Bangla. Throughout
the time I kept myself continuing the monthly (where, despite my almost-sole
contribution, I was mentioned as an editorial member along with many non-involved
others in the printers line) and prepared a script for the quarterly Bangla
journal. As the proposed executive editor of that quarterly, I have played
all possible roles of an executive editor like collecting writings and
seeking author's permission to publish them in Bangla, rewriting thoroughly
some half-done translations and taking care of local articles; overall
planning that includes writing every prologues and the editorial. Then,
one fine morning I submitted a soft copy of the journal to the Director
But unfortunately this script has been remaining unpublished for months
and quite surprisingly, the printing process started when I was suddenly
and mysteriously asked to discontinue with this assignment. Without any
prior notice I found my poor name was discarded in the printed journal,
where I was supposed to be the executive editor.
If the protector himself play the role of devastator there is nothing
to do'. I am saying this because BARCIK is also very vocal in favor of
the protection of 'Intellectual Property Rights' of the poor people as
this issue is very much of a 'hot potato' in development throughout the
world. BARCIK always tries to show how much concerned it is against the
bio-piracy in order to protect the IPR. But in my case their explanation
was that I was 'paid' for this work. Does it reflect the voice of a real
IPR protector? I became mentally upset hearing this reply. It was a big
shock for me. After playing all possible roles of the executive editor
of that journal, I found my name was nowhere on the credit line. Only
I was mentioned for my 'assistance' in an odd sentence in the last paragraph
of the editorial and unfortunately rest of the editorial was written by
me. It gives me pain when I found all my works that I produced in many
sleepless nights were stolen in such a way. I have committed to do this
work for BARCIK as I wanted to learn regarding the indigenous knowledge
issues. But this unethical act has ruined my dream.
Finally, I cannot help leaving a question to all development thinkers:
if the so-called advocate of development were so much disrespectful to
the IPR issue of an editor like me -- how the knowledge of the poor and
indigenous people would survive?
Sumon Rahman,
House No. 16 (forth floor), Road No. 11
Nikunja-2, Dhaka 1229.
the judiciary beyond dispute
judiciary being the conscience of the country, the guardian of constitution,
the last faith of the people, we should not make it disputed. But recently,
confirmation of 5 additional judges and appointment of Mr Justice M. M.
Ruhul Amin to the Appellate Division of Supreme Court superseding a senior
judge of the High Court Division has created debate about the transparency
in appointment process. Article 95(1) of our constitution says, "Chief
Justice and other judges shall be appointed by the President." So
according to Article 95(1) there is no obligation on the part of President
to appoint senior most judges of the Appellate Division as chief justice.
It has been a constitutional convention that senior most judge of the
Supreme Court is appointed as Chief Justice. And President should consult
with the Chief Justice before appointing other Supreme Court judges. After
Mr M Reza Chowdhury's (c.j) retirement, K.M. Hasan has been appointed
as Chief Justice superseding other two judges. During last govt. Justice
Ruhul Amin and Justice Fazlul Karim were appointed superseding the present
CJ K M Hasan. So, our law minister said that previous govt. did injustice
to K M Hasan and they undid that. Now a question has raised, who will
undo the new injustice?
Executive should keep the judiciary above political controversies. If
judges are appointed from political consideration, it is impossible for
them to act impartially. This may result to break down of public confidence
on judiciary.
So, please maintain constitutional convention and seniority in appointment
of Supreme Court judges and restore the original constitutional provision
to ensure the transparency and independence of judiciary and take necessary
steps for quick separation of power.
Department of Law, Dhaka University.