of NGOs
Since early days of independence NGOs have been emerging in the
development scene at a rather fast rate in the context of a hard reality
that Government machinery has proved inadequate to meet the fast growing
problems to meet the fast growing problems of a newly created country.
Most of the early entrants were established to cope with relief matters
and many of them turned later into organisations principally to deal with
poverty reduction tasks. The most important mechanism adopted for poverty
reduction is the micro-credit programme. Enthused by the success achieved
by some of the pioneering NGOs in this field more and more NGOs grew up
as credit delivery institutions. The operating strategies varied from
one NGO to another but not to a considerable degree.
Some NGOs were set up not with a particular vision or goal but tailored
to suit the needs for taking a ride with donors' hand-holding. Assessment
of NGOs that has been carried out from time to time at Government or non-Government
or donors' initiatives, shows that there are some cases where NGOs were
created just to hook business that unfolded its prospect within the framework
of a donor assisted project. Many of these NGOs have closed down their
establishment or have turned into moribund institutions after the projects
have come to a close. A good number of NGOs registered with NGO Affairs
Bureau are inactive either because their honeymoon days with the donors
are over or they are still unable but trying to enlist donor's co-operation.
In the context of these experiences there are policy makers and development
thinkers who hold the view that it is not all well with the NGOs and some
of the optimism expressed about them in the donors' circle seems considerably
misplaced. One phenomenon that is emerging, on the other hand, is that
bilateral donors do not favourably view the NGOs who started with allegiance
to one donors but now have acquired multifaceted interest in assistance
from a variety of sources. This may not be altogether unjustifiable: one
particular NGO following different strategies dictated by different donors,
some of which may be conflicting at times, may be bogged down in a quagmire
of complications. Thus what we see on the ground is a scenario that is
not altogether positive about the performance of NGOs and one may draw
the conclusion that many of them are not delivering the goods as efficiently
as originally thought.
to be addressed
Two particular issues have recently emerged that have led to
the view that the operations of NGOs need to be brought within a framework
of a harder discipline. One, there are NGOs who have demonstrated inclination
towards political views, ideologies or even participated in politically
biased activities. Two, NGOs are gradually veering towards commercially
oriented activities thus deviating from their primary objectives. NGOs
have gained popularity by demonstrating their ability to address the tasks
set for themselves, mainly to address poverty alleviation. Some of these
successes have however, stimulated the idea of opening NGOs though lacking
in both expertise and logistics, not to speak of commitment. Some of the
organisations have become so bureaucratised with a highly costly administrative
apparatus that they are assuming the same characteristics of the Government
for which the Government has been criticised, such as, cost inefficiency,
over-sized bureaucracy, lack of accountability, transparency etc. The
result is that the programmes they execute are highly expensive and the
beneficiaries down the line have to suffer in terms of payment of high
interests for loans which, otherwise, could have been brought down. There
is no doubt that considerable justification exists for down-sizing and
rationalising the administrative cost of the NGOs so that beneficiaries
of their programmes stand to benefit more.
Government deserves appreciation for constituting the Task Force
on NGOs which has submitted its recommendations. The implementation of
these recommendations will greatly contribute towards bringing greater
discipline to the operations of NGOs in Bangladesh thereby enhancing their
efficiency. Many more issues than those covered by the Task Froce need
to be addressed, for which it is felt that an NGO reform commission may
be constituted by the Government. The composition of the commission should
be broad-based including representatives from government, non-government
and local government institutions, donors, civil society, women groups,
professional groups etc. The whole gamut of issues may be addressed by
the Commission and recommendations submitted for implementation. Before
going into implementation, a parliamentary discussion may take place.
NGOs should be looked at not as green pastures for acquiring
power, authority and money but truly as institutions for serving interests
of the targeted people. Proliferation of NGOs indiscriminately should
be discouraged and moribund institutions de-registered. Greater degree
of transparency, accountability and qualitative rather than quantitative
programmes should be encouraged. For all this what is needed is a set
of reforms for which an NGO Reform Commission is recommended to serve
as a platform for consultation to bring about a more healthy environment
for NGO operations in Bangladesh.
Musharraf Hussain is former Additional Secretary to the Government of