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law to punish grave breaches of Int. Humanitarian Law
A contested law with uncontested objectives
Smis and Kim Van der Borght
1993, Belgium enacted a law that placed it in the lead of a development
in international and national law that was reinvigorated following the
horrendous crimes committed during the Nazi regime. Following the Second
World War, the main perpetrators were brought to trial before the ad hoc
military tribunals of Nuremberg and Tokyo. To ensure that the remaining
perpetrators would not remain unpunished, the then newly established State
of Israel adopted implementing legislation to accept claims brought to
its courts for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Belgian
law represented a further step in that direction.
The Belgian law of 1993, as amended in 1999, allowed Belgian courts to
prosecute persons for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity
on the basis of universal jurisdiction in absentia. This meant that Belgian
courts had jurisdiction to prosecute such crimes regardless of the place
of commission of the crime, the presence of the perpetrator on Belgian
territory, the nationality of the perpetrator or the victim or the time
the crime was committed. To bring a claim a person need not have to be
a Belgian national or reside in Belgium. The law moreover recognised no
immunities on the basis of the official position of the person.

The law was not uncontested. It was praised by human rights organisations,
but doubts were raised about its legality in international law. By rejecting
all immunities, it led to tension with well-established rules of diplomatic
law that accord functional immunity to Heads of State, Heads of Government
and Ministers of Foreign Affairs while they are in office, to allow them
to perform their function unhindered. In this context, Judge Oda wrote
that Belgium might well have been at the forefront of a trend, but the
International Court of Justice decided that Belgium had outrun international
legal developments. The Court judged that the immunity of incumbent Heads
of State, Heads of Government and of Ministers of Foreign Affairs is complete.
The Court emphasised that this immunity does not mean impunity in respect
of all crimes that may have been committed while in office. These high
offices accord complete immunity from prosecution by a foreign jurisdiction,
but only for as long as these offices are held. Even when in office, a
Head of State, Head of Government or a Minister of Foreign Affairs can
be tried by his or her national courts or by an international criminal
court if such a court has jurisdiction.
An amendment in 2003 brought the Belgian law in line with this judgement
of the International Court of Justice by setting aside immunities only
as far as international law permits. This formulation allows the Belgian
law to develop in line with international law rather than ahead of it.
genuine claims from abuses of legal process
During extensive discussions in the Justice Commission of the Belgian
Chamber of Representatives, it was recognised that the law could be abused
by bringing unsubstantiated and politically motivated claims to Belgian
courts. Given the publicity such claims would receive, it was probable
that some individuals or groups would use this to voice their political
opinions. The Belgian legislature wanted to ensure that such claims could
be dismissed at the earliest opportunity or transferred to a more appropriate
jurisdiction where the claim could be better assessed.
In the law, a distinction was made between claims brought on the basis
of universal jurisdiction in absentia and claims that have a link with
Belgium. In claims brought by Belgian nationals or persons in Belgium,
the default rules of Belgian law apply that prohibit abuses of the court
system. If no direct link exists with Belgium, only the Federal Prosecutor
can initiate a criminal investigation. The Federal Prosecutor will initiate
such an investigation unless one of the four exceptions listed in Article
7(1) apply: if the claim is clearly without merit; if the facts described
in the claim cannot be interpreted as constituting a crime as defined
in the law; if the claim cannot give rise to an admissible criminal investigation;
or where the needs of justice or the international obligations of Belgium
require that the claim should be brought before an international court
or tribunal, before the national courts of the place of commission of
the suspected crimes, the national courts of the state from which the
suspect is a national or where the suspect can be found. Under the latter
circumstances, the Federal Prosecutor will not initiate criminal investigations
if he judges that such courts or tribunals have jurisdiction and are independent,
impartial and equitable. If the decision of the Federal Prosecutor is
taken on the basis of the fourth exception, the Minister of Justice is
obliged to inform the relevant authorities of this decision and of the
facts of the case. Against the decision of the Federal Prosecutor not
to initiate criminal proceedings, an appeal is possible in the Court of
to a comprehensive international system
The 2003 amendments to the law make the prosecution for genocide, war
crimes and crimes against humanity part of a comprehensive international
system that was completed by the establishment of the International Criminal
Court. Notwithstanding the general principle maintained in the law that
accords universal jurisdiction to Belgian courts even if the suspected
perpetrator is not found in Belgium, it is the intention of the Belgian
legislature to avoid using such universal jurisdiction in absentia if
more appropriate mechanisms are available to obtain justice for the victims.
Claims can be transferred to the International Criminal Court. The procedure
prescribes that the Minister of Justice in consultation with the Council
of Ministers issues an executive order informing the International Criminal
Court of its intention. This is not possible for a claim that refers to
a crime committed on Belgian territory or that is committed by or against
a Belgian national, unless this crime is identical with or connected to
a crime for which the International Criminal Court has accepted a claim
as admissible. The Belgian courts can regain jurisdiction over the claim
if the International Criminal Court does not initiate an investigation
or declares the claim inadmissible or outside its jurisdiction.
Transferring a claim to another state is subject to the prevailing jurisdiction
of the International Criminal Court, and can be done via two distinct
procedures. The first procedure allows the transfer of a claim to a court
or tribunal of the state where the crime was committed. Unless the crime
was committed in Belgium, the claim can also be transferred to a court
or tribunal of the state of which the suspected perpetrator is a national
or where the suspected perpetrator can be found. Such a transfer is conditional
upon such a court or tribunal respecting basic principles of equity. The
second procedure is the transfer to the state of which the suspected perpetrator
is a national on the condition that that state criminalises grave breaches
of humanitarian law and guarantees the right to an equitable trial. Such
a transfer is not possible if the victim is a Belgian national or if the
crime was committed in Belgium. Under the second procedure, there is no
guarantee that the claim will ever be presented to a court in the transferee
state. The decision-making procedure in Belgium for such transfers to
a state or to the court or tribunals of a state involves the intervention
of the Minister of Justice in consultation with the Council of Ministers.
national law in line with definitions of international crimes
Taking into account the rapid entry into force of the Statute of the International
Criminal Court and the definitions of crimes used in this instrument,
it became necessary to amend the law and adapt its definitions to the
new international instruments. The entry into force of the Rome Statute
required co-operation between Belgium, the International Criminal Court
and other countries that might exercise jurisdiction. The descriptions
of the crimes in the 2003 amendments (Article 1) are parallel with those
in the Rome Statute. Even though the Rome Statute was the main source
of inspiration for the amendments, certain other international instruments
were also taken into account such as the second protocol of the 1954 Hague
Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed
The 2003 amendments of the Belgian law limited the scope of the law by
incorporating the judgement of the International Court of Justice and
by basing its definitions on international instruments. Nevertheless,
the amended law has led to diplomatic tension between Belgium and some
of the countries with which it maintains good relations. Specifically,
strong pressures from Israel and the United States have led to a decision
of the incumbent Belgian Government to introduce a new series of amendments
that require a clear link with Belgium before a Belgian court can accept
jurisdiction. The future law will be based on the nationality principle,
allowing Belgian courts to accept cases where the perpetrator is a Belgian
national or normally resides in Belgium. A claim can be also be accepted
on the passive personality principle allowing Belgian courts to accept
cases where the victim is a Belgian national or has resided in Belgium
for at least three years. Moreover, a claim will only be accepted if the
suspected perpetrator is a national of a country that does not criminalise
genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity or that cannot guarantee
a fair trial.
To ensure that no uncertainty exists about the immunities of government
officials visiting Belgium to attend meetings of international organisations
or about the immunities of officials of international organisations based
in Belgium, the future law will contain explicit provisions detailing
these immunities as they exist both in international customary law and
in the treaties to which Belgium is a party.
Smis is Professor of International Dispute Settlement, Vrije Universiteit
Brussel (Belgium) and Kim Van der Borght is a Fellow in Residence, Dean
Rusk Center, School of Law, University of Georgia; Fellow of the Centre
for International Law, Vrije Universteit Brussel (Belgium); Lecturer in
Law (on leave), University of Hull.