
36 hurt as BNP, Jamaat men clash in Jhenaidah, Kushita

Clashes broke out over formation of school committees in the districts

At least 36 people were injured in separate clashes between BNP and Jamaat men over formation of school management committee at Jhenaidah and Kushita Shailkupa upazila today.

In Jhenaidah's Shailkupa upazila, locals said tension has been prevailing for the last few days as BNP and Jamaat proposed two separate committees for Nadpara Jubomilon Secondary School.

Jamaat wanted to form a committee headed by the upazila unit Jamaat unit ameer Matiar, president of the school's management committee, said the school headteacher Nurul Islam.

On the other hand, BNP wanted their party's upazila unit senior vice president Nowsher Biswas as the committee chief.

Both the groups went to the upazila education office to submit their proposed committees this afternoon. At the office, they locked in a clash, said witnesses.

At least 21 people were injured in the clash. They took treatment at the Shailkupa Upazila Health Complex, said its doctor Rashed Al Mamun.

On information, police went to the spot and brought the situation under control. No complaint has been filed over the incident yet, Masum Khan, officer-in-charge (OC) of Shailkupa Police Station, told this newspaper around 9:30pm.

Contacted, Matiar and Nowsher blamed each other for the clash.

In Kushtia, similar situation unfolded over the formation of Burapara Miton Secondary School management committee in Mirpur upazila.

A meeting, between BNP and Jamaat, was scheduled to be held this afternoon at the school playground in presence of police around 4:30pm. But both the group locked in a clash before police reached the spot said OC Mominul Islam of Mirpur Police Station.

Later, police reached the spot and brought the situation under control, he said.

At least 15 people, who were injured in the clash, were admitted to the 250-bed Kushtia General Hospital, said Hossen Imam, resident medical officer (RMO) of the hospital.

The district unit Jamaat Secretary Suja Uddin Joardar said, "We wanted to solve the issue through a discussion today (Sunday). That is why we came to the meeting. But BNP men suddenly attacked us."

Mirpur upazila unit BNP General Secretary Rahmat Ali Robban denied the allegation and said none of their partymen were involved with the clash.

[Our correspondents from Benapole and Kushtia contributed to the report]







36 hurt as BNP, Jamaat men clash in Jhenaidah, Kushita

Clashes broke out over formation of school committees in the districts

At least 36 people were injured in separate clashes between BNP and Jamaat men over formation of school management committee at Jhenaidah and Kushita Shailkupa upazila today.

In Jhenaidah's Shailkupa upazila, locals said tension has been prevailing for the last few days as BNP and Jamaat proposed two separate committees for Nadpara Jubomilon Secondary School.

Jamaat wanted to form a committee headed by the upazila unit Jamaat unit ameer Matiar, president of the school's management committee, said the school headteacher Nurul Islam.

On the other hand, BNP wanted their party's upazila unit senior vice president Nowsher Biswas as the committee chief.

Both the groups went to the upazila education office to submit their proposed committees this afternoon. At the office, they locked in a clash, said witnesses.

At least 21 people were injured in the clash. They took treatment at the Shailkupa Upazila Health Complex, said its doctor Rashed Al Mamun.

On information, police went to the spot and brought the situation under control. No complaint has been filed over the incident yet, Masum Khan, officer-in-charge (OC) of Shailkupa Police Station, told this newspaper around 9:30pm.

Contacted, Matiar and Nowsher blamed each other for the clash.

In Kushtia, similar situation unfolded over the formation of Burapara Miton Secondary School management committee in Mirpur upazila.

A meeting, between BNP and Jamaat, was scheduled to be held this afternoon at the school playground in presence of police around 4:30pm. But both the group locked in a clash before police reached the spot said OC Mominul Islam of Mirpur Police Station.

Later, police reached the spot and brought the situation under control, he said.

At least 15 people, who were injured in the clash, were admitted to the 250-bed Kushtia General Hospital, said Hossen Imam, resident medical officer (RMO) of the hospital.

The district unit Jamaat Secretary Suja Uddin Joardar said, "We wanted to solve the issue through a discussion today (Sunday). That is why we came to the meeting. But BNP men suddenly attacked us."

Mirpur upazila unit BNP General Secretary Rahmat Ali Robban denied the allegation and said none of their partymen were involved with the clash.

[Our correspondents from Benapole and Kushtia contributed to the report]







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‘বর্তমানে চট্টগ্রামে কোনো আণবিক ল্যাবরেটরি নেই, এমনকি দেশেও নেই’ উল্লেখ করে তিনি বলেন, ‘আণবিক ল্যাবের অভাবে নেক্সট-জেনারেশন সিকোয়েন্সিং (এনজিএস) করা সম্ভব হচ্ছে না। ফলস্বরূপ প্রতিবছর অনেক ক্যানসার...

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