Private university students join Quota Reform Movement protests

Students from several private universities in Dhaka, including United International University (UIU), North South University (NSU), Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), American International University - Bangladesh (AIUB), and Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST), took to the streets earlier today to join the Quota Reform Movement protests.
Several hundred UIU students blocked a road in Natun Bazar. Students from NSU, IUB, and AIUB blocked roads around Progoti Sarani and Kuril. Students from AUST demonstrated in front of their campus in Tejgaon. The private university students stood in solidarity with their counterparts from other institutions across the country.
Students from several public universities and colleges in Bangladesh, along with jobseekers, have been demonstrating against the quota system for weeks now. They have been occupying key city intersections, highways, and even railway lines.
The Quota Reform protests began after the High Court, on June 5, ruled that the 2018 government circular abolishing the quotas was illegal, effectively reinstating the quota system. The government appealed against the decision, and the Supreme Court, on July 10, issued a status quo on the High Court order.